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soft tank & Zeovit should I


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I am looking at adding a Zeovit system to my new tank... 3months old, T5's and looking to go with a soft tank and 7 fish. Biggest being a blue tang, clowns etc

I have a Deltech 1250 skimmer on 4ft with sump.

I like the idea and did not want to post on the of thread "users only" so I'll have another beers. Dam Australians.... baugger bugger #$%^^& really.

Anyway what is the general thought....... ? Sounds soooo good, piece of mind is what I'm after being so new a system to follow...

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If you are only going to run softies and depending on the size of your tank, you can probably handle with .1 Phosphate and 15 Nitrate.

If you have enough live rock, this should come down anyway, provided you are not overfeeding.

Running Carbon, Phosphate killer and other similar things should suffice for what you want.

Zeovit will work well, but has constant feeding requirements and is not cheap, nor expensive.

Waste of time I think.

I am soon to run acros and I am not running it.

I choose Refuge and the above methods.

Good luck

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Mine has been softies and anemone only until recently, works fine. You're welcome to come and have a look, drop me a pm if you wish.

And don't worry, I don't care if you go zeovit or not so will not ram it down your throat. I'm happy to show you the system though.

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No, i would not use zeovit in a soft coral tank, .Zeovit was designed for SPS coral , whilst some soft corals are ok they do better with some nutrients, no advantage have zero very low nutrients in a soft coral tank.

Having said that , it can be used to maybe reduce nitrates to a certain level if it is too high.

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Dont need to use it to know about it, i believe there is a 26 page post about zeovit somewhere prior? :D Did i say it was not a good product? no. did i say it would be a waste on Duke's tank? yes. i'ev heard and read that zeovit is good for all systems, sps and lps, but really brendan, if you werent selling it you wouldnt push it. extra cost really for what? lps with good skimming is all you need,... IMO.

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Chimera - Have a look at the posts. Brendan wan't pushing it, just pointing out that your offering advice on a product that you never used and have no experance with. How can you say it will be a waste, overly harsh and un-nessessary and probably inaccurate.

Zeovit claims there product will improve all corals including softies. If you want to argue the zeovit product doesn't work the way they say it, join Laytons 27 pages of complete noncence.

The soft corals in my tank look great and a growing rapidly. Soft corals come from the same water as hard corals, thus I draw the conclusion they require the same water paramaters. Nutrients shouldn't be confused with food when describing what corals eat.


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The questions I would ask is what do you want to achieve by using it?

Do you have problems with your tank at the moment?

Read the zeoguide pdf posted here: http://www.korallen-zucht.de/ front to back and see if your comfortable with those possibilities.

It's no secret that I think zeovit can be dangerous, even when used as instructed, and that I would never use it again. But the results you get are real.


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Thanks Pies, . As you said, Softies do come from the same conditions in the wild. ( As you and I have seen in Fiji while diving) Softies do not have a seperate ocean from the other corals with more nutrients in it.

It's up to Duke if he wants to try the system. With a 400 litre tank it's not going to bother me which method he tries. Its not a major sell for me.


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My experience is only a few months with zeovit, but thus far the softies have done at least as well in the lower nutrient water.

But the main advantage for me has been a cheap method of phosphate removal and an algae free tank. I didn't do it to keep sps, but just decided to get some sps later

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pies, that was sarcasm. I was NOT bagging brendan and I was NOT bagging the product he sells. perhaps i should have initially stated my reasons for saying 'waste of time'. i will rephrase - i am saying that it is highly unlikely to make a SIGNIFICANT improvement on a LPS tank WHEN you take into account the COST of the product each month. In other words, why spend the extra money when the gain will not be significant?

Next people will be saying Zeovit is like a protein skimmer - it is a "must have" for a reef tank. A slight bit of marketing crap if you ask me . Search around, there are plenty of softie tanks that dont use Zeovit that are just awesome. If Duke said he had a fully SPS loaded tank then I would have had a differing opinion (from what I have read and from the feedback that people have had FROM using it, it is mostly positive)

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Where is this 'scarcasim' ? I missed it, and after taking another look I don't see it. Unless your remark about it making no difference is sarastic, which means you think it would make a difference, which is on contridiction to what you just said.

Zeovit will help with obtaining good water paramaters, this will be benficial to any tank inhabitants.

Not sure why your on about it becomming a 'must have'. I suspect less than 5% of NZ reef keepers use it or have used it. Where is this marketing 'crap'?

There are plenty of softie tanks around that don't use zeovit? Really, wow good point! (thats sarcasim in case you missed it).

What does an LPS tank have to do with a softie tank?

There is no way for you to know if the benifit is worth the extra money or not, its not up to you to decide what is significient or 'worth it', how do you measure such things? If it wa $5 a month would it be worth it? What about $2.50? What if it was free? The tank will most likley benifit from the use of zeovit, worth it is up to the owner of the tank.

Why spend money on a protein skimmer? I can show you dozens of tanks running without them. Why spend the money on Metal Halides, I can show you doezens of tanks running on T5s.

It should be pointed out again, in defense of the original question that started this thread: Chimera does't use nor has he ever used Zeovit.

To answer the question directly. If it was me, I wouldn't be using Zeovit on the tank as you described it.


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Duke posted what he was planning to do with the tank he has, subject "soft tank & Zeovit should I?" Does this not make it an open thread for discussion? My point again: IMO I dont believe the extra cost of $30 per month on Zeovit will make a significant improvement on a predominantely soft coral tank. Quite simple really.

Not sure why your on about it becomming a 'must have'.

You dont read into things very well do you Pies. Re-read and have a think about what I said - perhaps there was some sarcasm here too

Where is this 'scarcasim' ? I missed it, and after taking another look I don't see it. Unless your remark about it making no difference is sarastic, which means you think it would make a difference, which is on contridiction to what you just said

Not me, Brendan. To me his reply was sarcasm - perhaps, perhaps not, but thats how I took it.

Zeovit will help with obtaining good water paramaters, this will be benficial to any tank inhabitants

Did I say it didnt? Or are you just making a statement?

What does an LPS tank have to do with a softie tank?

Sorry, I meant soft corals, not lps.

There is no way for you to know if the benifit is worth the extra money or not, its not up to you to decide what is significient or 'worth it', how do you measure such things? If it wa $5 a month would it be worth it? What about $2.50? What if it was free? The tank will most likley benifit from the use of zeovit, worth it is up to the owner of the tank.

How about I quote you Pies from a zeovit thread sometime ago "The Zeovit is expensive as it is" on http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?t=2411&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15 Whats your justification for calling Zeovit expensive? Perhaps its cheap to rich people and expensive to poor people? You really can be critical about the most pathetic things. Im not interested in jumping into a bull$#!t conversation about how the hell you measure "worth" vs "money" but if you're going to get THAT pedantic...

If it was me, I wouldn't be using Zeovit on the tank as you described it.

How come you have not justified yourself here Pies? Perhaps you should join us all in elaborating on why you think Zeovit is "a waste of time" in Dukes tank? Much what a few of us have said already...

Brendan - as you have gathered, it wasnt a dig at you or the product you sell, I simply believe it will not do ENOUGH benefit in Dukes tank. In different tanks, sure highly likely.

Duke - give it a try and show us before and after pics/water parameters and lets see what the $30 a month gives you (no sarcasm intended)

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How come you have not justified yourself here Pies? Perhaps you should join us all in elaborating on why you think Zeovit is "a waste of time" in Dukes tank? Much what a few of us have said already...

I feel no reason to justify to you why I said it, but if I must I would say "based on my experance with the product I wouldn't use it in the tank described". I never said it would be a waste of time, not do I belive it would be a waste of time, what I said was 'if it was me I would't use it'. I don't appreciate you twisting what I have said, especially when you get it wrong.

Im not interested in jumping into a bull$#!t conversation about how the hell you measure "worth" vs "money" but if you're going to get THAT pedantic...

You started the conversation by stating it would't be worth it, not me. I don't use Zeovit because its too expensive for me, even if it made my corals glow at night and grow 10x faster I still couldn't afford to use it, would it be worth it? Proably, would I use it? Nope.

As for being pedantic, maybee I am. The pedantic point I am trying to pedanticly put accross is that you are offering advice based on no actual experance, which I find annoying, I recieved a lot of this advice when I started out, its worthless.

You dont read into things very well do you Pies. Re-read and have a think about what I said - perhaps there was some sarcasm here too

I read exactly what you write and I am starting to wounder if you actually know what sarcastic means, www.dictionary.com will help you out. (note, this is a good example of sarcasim, with a hint of smart-arse thrown in)

Chimera - your quick to jump in and offer advice, which is great, but I would urge you to think before you post.



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agreed, in that I should have outlined my reasons rather than just 'waste of time' but I still stick to my point. you dont need to be experienced in something to know or offer advice about it. if this were the case, man would not be where we are today.

You started the conversation by stating it would't be worth it, not me. I don't use Zeovit because its too expensive for me, even if it made my corals glow at night and grow 10x faster I still couldn't afford to use it, would it be worth it? Proably, would I use it? Nope

is that not just saying what i said in your own words? i based my opinion on what Duke has in his tank VERSUS the cost of zeovit. IMO, it would be like spending money on something that has minimal potential.

anyway, not interested in debating further, otherwise we will end up like layton vs ajl and wasp :D

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Duke, I'm just not familiar with what you are doing. However -

I think the best approach would be that longer term you are going to need some form of nutrient export for your tank. The starting point is a protein skimmer, which every tank should have. Then in addition you really need one of the following three - a macro algae refugium, a zeovit system, or phosphate removing media such as Salifert Phosphate killer.

For a softy only tank any of these used properly will do a fine job.

If you do not have one of these means to remove phosphate, you will not immediately have a phosphate problem as for a time it will be adsorbed by your sand and rock. But given enough time it is highly likely you will end up with a problem.

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