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Keen noob here in Auckland!


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Well hello!

I have a couple of new-ish set up tanks - and have learned that I must get a quarantine tank very soon!

I thought the white spot had cleared up after treating and losing some BN and tetras - but then I spotted (no pun intended) this one white spot on Mrs G, it was there for about 10 days and today it disappeared (raises glass). :thup:

Tank A - Aqua one 620 (90L) 2 pearl gouramis 1 x Male and 1 x female, 5 golden barbs and 2BN - tetras moved into another tank because Mr G bullied them ALL into a corner for most of the day and nipped them. (Having said that - he is truly handsome but freaks me out because he is at the front of the tank all the time watching me like a hawk!).

Mrs PG is being hounded constantly by Mr PG who is "The God Father" of my depleted tank. The 5 Barbs follow him like a possi of 'wannabees' and he does NOT chase them at all. Mrs G however, will still come out from behind the plants and eat next to him or at least try to, but he chases her back into hiding.


Do I move her into my other tank B (Aqua One 510 70L) containing only a few neon tetras x 8 and x-ray tetras x 4 and 1 x BN? (for her own safety/stress levels) - I also think that could be why she managed to pick up a white spot again after it had all disappeared??? Also considering her cyst has just burst on her fin - when would it be safe to move her?

Tank is being treated with malachite green at a half dose now because of BN - it would seem effectively, with temp raised and bubblestone on.

Or - do I get another female gourami for tank A and hope Mr PG will give 2 females less stress??

My tank parameters all seem ok - I will worry about rescuing plants or new plants when I am happy that fish are happy first.

Advice gratefully received - dammit I have so many questions but will go and find appropriate threads and all your tanks looks soooo wickedly good *hangs head* :oops:

Actually after the stress of losing fish I'm surprised I'm not covered in white spot myself! *goes off to dose self in malachite green - just to be sure* :wink:

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Hi and welcome. Please stop dosing yourself with malachite green as it is carcinogenic so you will soon have more than stress to worry about! You may also end up looking like the Incredible Hulkess, or Hulkette.

Read about the whitespot cycle and see when it is actually infectious. Just because the spots have disappeared on the fish does not necessarily mean it is gone. The cysts drop off the fish into the substrate and the meds only work at a certain time (mind has gone blank so I can't advise which part without looking it up myself).

Whitespot is certainly caused by stress and the bullying could have been the reason but it would pay to check the ammonia and nitrite levels as you say the tanks are new-ish. These should be 0.

Mr G is showing everyone whose boss. If you have a lot of plants and places for Mrs G to hide from him, he might settle down.

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this one white spot on Mrs G, it was there for about 10 days and today it disappeared (raises glass). :thup:

Which only means that now the eggs have dropped off into the substrate getting ready to release thousands of parasites. You have to keep treating until after those eggs have hatched beacuse that's the only time when it is vulnerable. Between hatching and attaching to a host.

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Hi and welcome. Please stop dosing yourself with malachite green as it is carcinogenic so you will soon have more than stress to worry about! You may also end up looking like the Incredible Hulkess, or Hulkette.

Read about the whitespot cycle and see when it is actually infectious. Just because the spots have disappeared on the fish does not necessarily mean it is gone. The cysts drop off the fish into the substrate and the meds only work at a certain time (mind has gone blank so I can't advise which part without looking it up myself).

Whitespot is certainly caused by stress and the bullying could have been the reason but it would pay to check the ammonia and nitrite levels as you say the tanks are new-ish. These should be 0.

Mr G is showing everyone whose boss. If you have a lot of plants and places for Mrs G to hide from him, he might settle down.

When I say 'Malachite green' it's the Wunder White Spot treatment (sorry). Yes I realise it needs a certain amount of time for the medication to treat the free swimming parasite (about 48 hours I think) before it reattaches to host. I will give her a while longer to see if Mr G calms down and to make sure all traces of spot are well and truly gone. All nitrites and ammonia are zero - thankfully. Grateful for help. Thanks :)

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Which only means that now the eggs have dropped off into the substrate getting ready to release thousands of parasites. You have to keep treating until after those eggs have hatched beacuse that's the only time when it is vulnerable. Between hatching and attaching to a host.

Yes - I think that's why you are supposed to treat for 2 weeks after last spot has gone?? Correct me if I'm wrong please, as it's only what I am reading on internet (as fast as I can to gain knowledge) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many moons ago, when I had a shipment of gold fish arrived from Singapore on the same day that I was due to meet for the first time with a lady, I treated some of the fish by wiping them with malachite green before puting them into their tank. Of course I was a little stupid and didn't wear gloves---ended up with hands like the jolly green giant. Tried every conceivable thing to get it off without any luck then remembered that the Inspectors of Health at the Health Department used to carry malachite green tablets to test if the butchers had been being naughty and adding sulphur dioxide to their mince. It makes grey mince (through adding mutton to beef mince) turn red, and the malachite green goes colourless with SO2. Got to a friends place who made home brew just in time and a quick rinse with metabishuphite (used to sterilize the bottles) solved my bacon. It would have been a brief meeting I suspect.

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