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Sick goldfish at the gym


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My gym has a display tank which has 5x goldfish of average size and 1 bn (so heated) in about 80 litres of water. The other day one of the goldfish was doing the sideways flop thing and a couple of instructors were standing around looking at it - I walked past and said it may be a problem with its swim bladder and the way to fix it could be to feed them peas and do a water change. "Peas??!" they said - "yep" I said. "Are you having us on?", "nope, google it" - then I went off to my class. I came back and one of the instructors spoke to the manager and said how I mentioned peas and she thought that was complete rubbish too. They were told by the guy who maintains the tank not to feed them the pellets anymore (probably cos the fish won't eat them, mine don't) and to feed them flake only - they showed it to me, a brand I've never heard of. Anyway, the next day I brought some peas in and showed the receptionist how to prepare them and feed them to the fish - the fish practically attacked the peas so I asked how often they're fed, and was told 3x a week. They keep a roster but it's not always ticked off so no idea if they get fed regularly or not....

I also suggested a water change - they were very reluctant to do as the guy who maintains the tank does that. So I asked how often and they said once a month.... so the next day I brought my gravel cleaner, borrowed a bucket and changed a 1/3 of the tank and fed the fish more peas. Through the night though, the poor sick goldfish had been attacked by the BN so his tail was completely shredded. I said they'd have to move him or the BN out but of course there's no where else to put either so I suggested taking him home to nurse him back to health - I said if not, he will definitely die if the BN keeps having a go, at least with me he'll have a chance. The receptionist said she'd talk to the manager who'd be in later that day, I gave my number and said call me if you want me to get the fish tonight, if I don't hear - I'll know they don't want me to take him. I didn't hear so assume the poor fish will be dead by the time I next visit the gym on Tuesday :(

Anyway, that's my story of trying to be a good fishy samaritan.

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5 goldfish with a BN in a 80L tank sounds overstocked as well. And BNs can latch on to the goldfish body and damage the slime coat. Is the tank rented, and maintained by the rental company? If so, I've seen a few of these tanks with dead goldfish in them. And these tanks are often tall for space considerations, rather than being wide which is the way goldfish prefer to swim.

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5 goldfish with a BN in a 80L tank sounds overstocked as well.

I know, I just wasn't even going to go there as they clearly didn't like what I had to say about the food.

Is the tank rented, and maintained by the rental company? If so, I've seen a few of these tanks with dead goldfish in them. And these tanks are often tall for space considerations, rather than being wide which is the way goldfish prefer to swim.

It's built into the wall so assume it was either always there when the gym took over the building or part of the design when it was refurbished to be a gym. It was there before I started going so don't know anything about it - and yes, a few fish have been replaced over the years.

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  • 3 months later...

Very tempting - I'd probably keep the tank heated but would replaced the goldfish with neon tetras or something as they're so pretty when lit up (and the tank is too small to house many goldfish anyway). I'd need to investigate how much the set up would cost and how this was paid for and the daily upkeep - though as I go to the gym every day, I would ensure they're fed daily too.

Unfortunately I think the manager thought my help last time was interferring and that the other guy knows more than me so not sure if my offer to help would be accepted. However, I'm fairly sure the other guy would charge a weekly or monthly fee, whereas I wouldn't so my help would be cheaper too. But I really hate cannister filters, I'm really crap with them so that would be my downfall.

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May you could humbly offer to take the BN (sell it on here if you can't have it at home) and offer to find them another fish that is more suited to the others?

Or ask for the contact details of the fish keeper and see if you can persuade him, based on your observations

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The BN will be there to eat the algae which is why the tank is heated.

Last time, I asked to take the goldfish that was almost dead from being eaten alive and they didn't call me back - but the next time I was there the tank had been cleaned and dead/nearly dead fish gone so guess they went back to the guy to fix - they don't want my help.

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