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I have just got home from a few days away and have found a strange lump which looks like a pimple just above the eye of my jack dempsey does anyone know what this is and how i should treat it. After a brief look on google i think it might be Lymphocystis but not sure


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If it was a hexamite infection (hole in the head) I would expect white stringy excreta as a sign also as the fish tries to get rid of the gut infection by producing slime. There seems to be some scarring on the head perhaps from previous mild infections of whatever it is.

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No one really knows what causes hole in the head disease but it is likely multifactorial with causes including stress, infection and nutritional/vitamin deficiency ( calcium, vitamin A, B, C etc ). It does not occur in the wild. Hexamita is said to take advantage of the weakened condition of the fish and to migrate from the gut to the sensory pits which may be already damaged. On the other hand hexamita infections occur without hole in the head.

The onset is said to start with a pimple on the head which then deroofs leaving a hole with pus in it, which then clears leaving the hole. I see your picture shows that the abscess is involving a sensory pit, and there are other holes nearby suggesting possible previous episodes.

Trauma with secondary infection is also part of the differential diagnosis. But I would have thought one would see an entry wound.

http://www.fishchannel.com/fish-health/ ... amita.aspx


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No idea, but good photo. What kind of camera do u have?

Its a fuji hs20 i find it good because it still has a good point and shot but with the ability to play with the settings if you know what your doing.

If it was a hexamite infection (hole in the head) I would expect white stringy excreta as a sign also as the fish tries to get rid of the gut infection by producing slime. There seems to be some scarring on the head perhaps from previous mild infections of whatever it is.

havent seen any signs of this but will keep up the water changes i have added some tonic salt and will keep a eye on it it did seam to be smaller tonight when i got home

looks to me like an abcess possibly due to physical injury, had a Severum get one a while ago, went away after a few weeks. (made sure the water quality was pristine as well)

any sharp rocks in your tank???

nothing really sharp but there are a couple of rocks in there.

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