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Nearly flooded the house - PLEASE HELP.


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why have taps on the drains.if it was me run the drains straight into the sump .fit a tap to the flow pump

to set flow and tee it off for to drop flow pressure..

The reason was 2 fold. I was unsure how much flow would come through the two drains, so I wanted to be able to control them in case it was too much and it allows me to close off the drains in case things go pear shaped. They are in fact the only reason my carpet didn't take a bath the other day.

I would use a T and ball valve, that way the extra water can pass over the bio-media/liverock/etc and benefit from the extra filtration.

That would be another benefit, and I'll consider bio-media or liverock later down the track.

Spot on! I really hope your getting trade price on those taps, wheew!

You're not kidding those things were damn pricey even after he gave me trade prices. Gotta say Mico was the most helpful of all the places I went, some trade stores simply told me they couldn't help me because it's not plumbing related... most frustrating!

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Thanks everyone for their help :bow:, the problem is now solved and the tank is happily cycling between the tank and sump.

First set of tests rendered these results:

PH: 8

Ammonia: 1.5

Nitrite: 0.5

Nitrate: 50

Salinity: 1.0225

A tank diary will be started soon.

Thanks again. :bounce:

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