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Set up tank questions?


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Thanks GrahamC!

Yes, I'm thinking that as well. Anxious to see what this week will bring :nilly:

I'm really not in any rush to add more fish. I just would like to get the tank cycled though :facepalm:

Caper :P

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I hate when tests are not quite this...not quite that :dunno:; remember I didn't do very good on the color test :nilly: :nilly: :slfg:

Bought nitrate test kit today: Nutrafin 0.0 - 110.00 mg/L

Ammonia - between .25 and .5 (going down for sure)

Nitrites - 0 (not a trace since started testing)

Nitrates - definitely less than 5

Still doing 50% water changes using the buckets.

Opinions please could tank be cycled??????


Caper :P

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Cycled filter needs ammonia to be 0. The levels could be dropping due to water changes since you're not recording nitrites and nitrates.

Saying that - my large 430l never looks to read 0 always looks to be about .25 and it has been running for nigh on a year and a half, I figure that there just must be something in there that affects the test.

I would stop the w/c for a day or three and see if

1, the ammonia climbs (means not finished the first part of the cycle)

2, the nitrite climbs (means not finished the second part of the cycle)

3, the nitrate climbs (means N cycle is setup)

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I only ever saw nitrite readings on my first tank when I started off by scrubbing everything clean and throwing all the fish in.

If you see no to low ammonia as you are, and nitrates as low as they are, I would say plop the rest of the fish in. In my experience the most that will happen is that the ammonia and nitrate will go up a bit and then slowly go down again.

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Tested today:

Ammonia = 0

Nitrites = 0

Nitrates = 5 or less (GrahamC...not kidding, hard to tell :facepalm: )

Cycled, right??????? :happy2: :happy2: :happy2: :happy2:

Thanks for all your help everyone :bow::bow::bow:

GrahamC...I checked at the pet store they don't have the ammonia alert, they have one for pH:(

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