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neodymium magnets.... will they corrode in water


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in TM you get them and they say wont rust.

i assume they are plated with something

does anyone know what they are plated with?

i want to get one of my fake plastic logs, and silicone these magnets at the bottom and have another set outside the tank and secure it against the glass so it 'sticks ' to the glass creating a cave against the glass. like your glass scrubbers:D


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in TM you get them and they say wont rust.

i assume they are plated with something

does anyone know what they are plated with?

i want to get one of my fake plastic logs, and silicone these magnets at the bottom and have another set outside the tank and secure it against the glass so it 'sticks ' to the glass creating a cave against the glass. like your glass scrubbers:D


I don't know if they will, depends on what they're plated with. Usually with zinc, though I've seen the odd one that looked like it was copper plated. Best to give it a light coating of epoxy or silicone, should be more than good enough to protect it for years.

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Neodymium magnets, have iron in there make up. Mix iron and air and you will get rust

These rare earth magnets are available in different shapes and sizes.

They also differ in "strength" they are very powerful size for size so be careful

I would suggest ensuring they are fully coated in an inert substance and ensure completely watertight/airtight

Dependent on the size and bouyancy of the object to be weighted, would depend on the quantity and and "strength" of magnets to use.

These magnetic flux density "strength" you would be considering would be in the 40 to 60 range

The 60's are extremely powerful and great care must be taken when handling these beauties, when I say powerful I am talking a 1cm cube.


DO NOT PLACE NEAR ELECTRONIC CONTROLLERS, Like heaters, marine controllers etc etc.

Should you place one near any motorized aquarium pumps the may effect them adversely or even stop them in some cases.

Caution would be the operative word here, I have used them for other purposes in my experiments so I am speaking from experience of handling them.

Hope this helps in some small way

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I've seen several people end up with blood blisters after playing with RE magnets and they snap together and nip skin. I used strip them out of old hard drives - you can stick a full A4 pad onto a fridge with one magnet 8)

Stuart's not joking - image search google on the words magnet and finger, and you'll get a good idea :sick:

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I've seen several people end up with blood blisters after playing with RE magnets and they snap together and nip skin.

Oh come on, that's practically a requirement for everyone the first time they get their hands on one. Oooh, hey these are pretty coo*SNAP*AHGODFOCSDFOKCOOOOWWWW!!

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Oh come on, that's practically a requirement for everyone the first time they get their hands on one. Oooh, hey these are pretty coo*SNAP*AHGODFOCSDFOKCOOOOWWWW!!

Yeah, we'd leave them lying around and laugh when unsuspecting noobs picked them up :nilly: The thin ones just nip (and crack - they're brittle), but those big cubes have some serious pulling force.

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