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Me and my big sis sharing the love (fairly big pictures)


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Maybe I should apologise at this point, as it is one of my bts young, Yindi is part of the family, she has a place she eats, a place she basks and warms ups, a place she goes to use the bathroom and a place she is supposed to sleep in. When I need to find her because people are coming over, or shes late for dinner calling her works about 70% of the time, tricking her by saying snail works all the time except when shes close to giving birth or going into brumation. Her son Stew is the same, except being young much more adventurous, his restricted freedom gives him more chance to learn to live with us rather then us keeping him. We have learnt a great deal too about how they communicate, and still get blown away by their intelligence.

Many mornings I wake up with the 2 bts and the cat in bed with me, usually the lizards have a mammal sandwich arrangement and the added benefit of a cat cleaning service. The cat gains companionship, and the lizards get warmth. I stay single. Quite an effort for the bts to climb onto, so they must get something out of it, there are plenty of other places that a warm around the room for them, I'm past the point of trying to stop them doing it, a cat is bad enough.,

They have a lovely big enclosure, but not once have they been happy in there. Sit like lumps till the next meal arrives, bask a bit, sleep, maybe rest some where else. I like to see those heads up, tongues darting in and out, bright eyes. They're active, intelligent and inquisitive creatures, and very easy animals to live with.

I would never recommend this to any one, I put a lot of time in to my animals to learn how they communicate and try to understand them a bit to make their lives easier, I believe they need stimulus in what ever way they can get it, an animal might be solitary but it has all kinds of relationships with the other creatures around it. One of the things my skinks love is a steep tall ramp, I have bird grit on it and it helps keep their nails trimmed and their legs strong as they don't drag so much. Yindi goes up and down a few times a day, there is an old blanket up top to burrow into. Stew being young goes up and down 10's of times a day.

But this is coming from a person who taught the cat all the regular dog tricks and makes toys for his fish :roll:

Different strokes :sage:

Thank you. I started getting my cat use to him as soon as i brought him home because the cat was interested . And as my cat was trained at a young age when ever we tapped her on the nose it was a no to do that. all it took was 3 taps on the nose now she understands to really look at him or take notice. but now I can have her cuddling me while he is on me and the two seem to have there place on me. her on my lap and he has now learnt how to climb up my face an sit in my hair and he seem to enjoy that . I can play xbox with him on my chest and her by my side. But as you say i would never recomend this to someone people can use there brain to know how this could turn out.I have also learnt he is not scared of the cats i have a list of what he like and doesn like ill put it up some time. But he really hates cops scirens aye.he just cant stand them.

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You should see Prometheus. He love to explore. he loves to walk under your t shirt, then pop out the side and do it again. HE also likes to climb alot which i think is very funny. He loves to be as high as he can go. Yet i think he doesnt like it when i stop him going to high he looks to me of to say buzz killer. He doesnt like to hide though he would be in plain site if you say i want to be center of attention.

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Does he hear cop sirens a lot where you live? :tears:

You see a lot of photos of people's cats with a bird on its head, cats and dogs living in harmony etc. Everyone knows that is not always something you can do so I am sure anyone seeing the lizard on the cat will also know that is not something you can always do without dire consequences for one of the animals, or a lot of specialised training.

Keep the personal remarks out of this please. I think you have all given your opinions and it is time to leave it alone.

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Does he hear cop sirens a lot where you live? :tears:

You see a lot of photos of people's cats with a bird on its head, cats and dogs living in harmony etc. Everyone knows that is not always something you can do so I am sure anyone seeing the lizard on the cat will also know that is not something you can always do without dire consequences for one of the animals, or a lot of specialised training.

Keep the personal remarks out of this please. I think you have all given your opinions and it is time to leave it alone.

Agreed. nice way to sum the post up :P Lucky most cop dont have there sirens on just the lights. But you do get that odd cop that really love his flashys and siren and love to have it going when there is really no need hahaha.

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