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How to tell when the NZD will become stronger?


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:wave: Really as per title, I have some foreign currency which I don't want to be losing cash on.

So is there any way to tell when it will become stronger or weaker? Or do I want it to become weaker? :dunno:

Sorry to be undescriptive but I don't know how to do so...

Thanks :hail:

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If your foreign cash is from the US or Europe you may be waiting a while. It is not so much that the NZD is strong rather than the other currencies are weak. GFC has messed the world up big time. On the bright side it is great for traveling overseas for us, except to Australia of course.

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The best way to make the NZD strong againgst the GBP was to come home from the UK after 10 years, all you have to do is wait a few weeks to get settled back home and you will find that 10 years of savings have lost close to 14% of their worth :sage: (it did come back up by the time we needed to get it all back here, lost on average about 10%).

You want the NZD week against the other.

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If we could know the answer to this then we'd all be making money trading in FX, who needs a job!

The NZD will eventually get weaker, but you might be waiting a few years. You'd want to be listening out for good news out of SE Asian markets and companies that operate in that region. When they do well, the NZD will weaken against them (they become stronger) and then you'll get more money back. I don't know of anything coming up that will weaken our dollar any time soon.

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The NZD / SGD usually trades at 1:1 and isn't the currency you would trade if you wanted to make money.

I trade FX (without the intention of actively trading of course) :slfg: regularly but I wouldn't recommend you mess around with it if you only kind of know what you are doing.

Money makers are usually NZD/USD, CHF/USD, and more recently NZD/EUR.

Also remember that if you look up FX rates you'll probably be looking at the reuters info which is wholesale rates, and you'll have 100% shading so take a couple cents or more depending on currency per dollar against your favour.

Either which way the NZD is pretty darn strong at the moment but watch it tumble as bank wholesale costs increase because of the US economy picking up.

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