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thinking about getting a blue toungue

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well this weekend just gone , we had the pet fun day at work, and a lady with all the different reptiles came in, she hard bearded dragons,water dragons, leapord geckos and the blue toungue lizard. I was talking to her quite a bit over the weekend and i was holding the lizards quite a bit and i quite liked the blue toungue as he was very cuddly :roll: and anyway was thinking bout getting one, can anyway point me in the right directions as to the following

: tank size ?

: should they be kept alone or in pairs?

: diet? ( i do know the basics , just wantng to comfirm what i suspect)


: whether to have a part in the tank were they can swim or bath?

thanks in advance

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You may be better to stick to the beardies where you are as your Regional Council has declared blueies an unwanted organism which means you cannot sell them on trademe or send them by petbus (can't legally breed or sell them). They have live young , don't need to incubate eggs and are more likely to survive in the wild up there and feed on our natives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a couple of blue tongues but have never owned a beardie. Mine are friendly as hell although one is a little bit more shy than the other. It just matters how much you hold them imo as the more you hold them, the more the get used to you and realise that they can trust you. I dunno....it worked for me.

And the other thing is each animal has a different personality so you can get socialble blue tongues and grumpy blue tongues. Same goes with a beardie I would imagine.

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