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Bala Sharks and Tank


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:wave: Hi, I have two Bala Sharks in a 3 foot tank. At the moment they are only 6 inches long. They are healthy and happy and growing like weeds, they were originally in a 2 foot when they were tiny, then the 3 footer when they got bigger. I do have a 4 foot tank waiting for them (I had originally decided that when they got to big for the four foot I would sell them) but I love my fish to much to do that. So, what is the best size tank that that I can have built for them to live out their lives happily once they are full grown??? I have other fish with them but Im not worried about them, they are a lot smaller. which raises another Q, I have tetra,s (3 Diff kinds) platties, bristle noses. Will they eat them as they get bigger???
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These two are the original two I got ages ago. I have tried adding more, but they kept dying, I have no idea why. I decided to give up getting more, and anyway, these two seem to be quite happy together. There are only 6 Penguin Tetra,s, 1 plattie, and 4 small Bristle noses atm. so they have a lot of swimming space. Its a planted tank, with most of the plants along the back and a couple of bunches in the middle. You can see a lot of gravel. I wish a could put a photo up, but I have no camera.

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