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Driftwood Help


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Brought a piece of drift wood from my LFS to put into my new aquarium have had it soaking in water in a bucket first pouring hot boiling water from the kettle on it and it is still "leaching" out color is it still suitable to put into my tank or am i doing something wrong ? ? thanks everyone

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I bought mine from local Fish store too. It's a Malaysian Driftwood. I boiled it for a few hours and once the water turned tea colour I poured it out and filled with new tap water then add some aquarium salt to the water while boiling. the water turned orange a few times and after the 4th times boiling I got rid of most tanning colour. And left it in the warm water over night to get any unwanted tanning. It still getting a bit yellowish but after I poured it out again and add warm water then my driftwood stopped leaking tanning :)

Hope this help you solve your problem too. Mine is happily with tropical plants in the tank right now (Anubias Barteri, java moss, indian fern and soon will be java ferns this weekend).

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Is that from experience? :slfg:

But I've read that people have used used tea bags, eg 1 used tea bag per 20 L of water. Of course there are different types of tea and some such as Darjeeling are said to be high in tannins. And of course you get to drink the caffeine containing brew which would be toxic to the fish.

Where do you purchase Indian Almond leaves from? I've heard that they can be used to induce spawning.

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When breeding fish I have used tea bags, oak leaves, oak bark and brown water from streams on the west coast---all with success. If the fish were strssed out I suspect they would not breed. Others use alder cones or Indian Almond leaves with success I believe. With fish keeping we need to be sure to avoid anthropomorphism as I am sure that a coffee drinker like me would get pretty stressed out having to drink tea (or Indian almond leaves for that matter)

We have people down here breeding thousands of neons, rummy nose and other tetras in tap water.

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Is that from experience? :slfg:

But I've read that people have used used tea bags, eg 1 used tea bag per 20 L of water. Of course there are different types of tea and some such as Darjeeling are said to be high in tannins. And of course you get to drink the caffeine containing brew which would be toxic to the fish.

Where do you purchase Indian Almond leaves from? I've heard that they can be used to induce spawning.

You can get Indian Almond leaves from TradeMe as well. I use Acorn leaves (sun dried) and it smell sweet. Also tried tea green tea leaves but my fish gone insane lol. Tried the Decaf-Tea also made my fish gone super active and crazily attacking random objects. Tea is bad news for me.

My drift wood I got from the store last week hasn't create any problem for me yet :) I got rid of tanning before plunged it in the tank. Take 30hours of prep.

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