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Anyone own a lawn mowing company?


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Have been looking into lawn mowing companies - Jim's Mowing exc and was wondering if anyone has had experience or know anyone who is in the trade?

Very different to what I do now, I am a Network control operator and volly ambulance officer.

Tips would be appriciated :wink:

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I would recommend starting your own for a couple of reasons.

1. Far less start up costs

2. You will not have to pay any of your hard earned profits to the Franchisor

3. You are not governed by their rules etc

Buying a franchise is really just buying a job/salary. The only real advantage is that you get a name people recognise and think of. If you market your own company well enough with good sign writing (on your vehicle), flyers and ads in the paper etc, you can do just as well if not better.

I knew this guy years ago that started his own mowing business. He worked a night shift at a news paper in Auckland. During the day he mowed lawns and grew his cliental. Once he had enough customers he quit his main job and did lawns full time.

The first step would be to find a good accountant and go from there.

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new someone that did it and said he was flogged to death working for the franchisee and got sick of running around collecting(trying to collect)monies owed?I would not think going into winter would be an ideal time for this sort of work,maybe up your way would be ok,but round here grass growth stops for a few months?

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I once had a Jim's mowing. ( it is not for everyone) Be careful and get financial advice before buying and be aware of the royalties, they are not cheap and have to be paid whether you make any money or not. The guaranteed income promised is not quite what it seems as you have to take whatever work they throw at you in order to qualify. Also the cost of buying the "run" is worked out by the amount of "mows" you do fortnightly but a lot of people postpone and have it cut every 3 or 4 weeks which gives a false set of figures.


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I agree with above comments about starting your own small business rather than franchisee.

The costs of sign writing you vehicle and making some signs and doing flyer drops will be far cheaper than paying your franchise fees.

The other negative thing about the franchise thing is you are tarred with the same brush if the franchise gets bad media like one did recently. http://www.stuff.co.nz/204255/Franchise-scam-under-investigation-by-SFO

I know several guys who do it and do quite well. The grass will always grow, more often in Spring to Autumn but hey, Make Hay while the Sun shines.

You could branch out ( get it ) into basic section clearing and maintenance during the winter months if the mowing slows down a bit. (Hedge trimming, weeding, etc)

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