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Meet Stinky the hedgehog


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Yesterday my husband discovered a hedgehog in the garage. It had a distinctive smell like a rotting animal. :sick: He mentioned that he had smelled it in the garage before so we think Stinky has previously bunked in our salubrious lodgings. He was found behind some tool boxes with his head down thinking to make a run for it behind the old stove but I grabbed a tea towel, picked him up and put him outside under a bush. I have known hedgehogs before but this one was particularly large and particularly stinky, you really didn't want to breathe too close. His face was very crusty around the edges and when you see the video I think you will agree he looks like a very old hedgehog. I thought that it might be sick, given the terrible stink, apparent age/size and the fact that he came inside so I found a couple of snails and bashed them, then put them under the bush near his nose. He chowed down quite noisily, looked about for some more and then snuffled off.

here he is.... http://youtu.be/v20kATukIkI

(one day I will buy a tripod.... sorry for the jiggling of the camera)

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