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What is this strange stuff growing on my plants


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Hey all,

I am very new to fish keeping and have just been on holiday for the last two weeks. Before i left i gave my tank a good clean and it was looking great. While i was away i gave them a vacation block and my flat mate gave them blood worms every 3 days. When i got back tonight i noticed this funny grey/blue furry looking stuff growing on my plants. I also noticed it was growing on the rocks and on the heater.

I have no idea what it is/ if it will affect the fish/ how to get rid of it.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

I have photos but are not sure how to attach them :(

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Hey all,

I am very new to fish keeping and have just been on holiday for the last two weeks. Before i left i gave my tank a good clean and it was looking great. While i was away i gave them a vacation block and my flat mate gave them blood worms every 3 days. When i got back tonight i noticed this funny grey/blue furry looking stuff growing on my plants. I also noticed it was growing on the rocks and on the heater.

I have no idea what it is/ if it will affect the fish/ how to get rid of it.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

I have photos but are not sure how to attach them :(

Does it look something like this?


It's hair algae. Usually caused by poor water quality such as might be caused by polluting it with a vacation feeding block.

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Thanks for the reply :) the stuff i have is more thread like and a blue/grey colour. Instead of growing on a leaf it is kind of entangled in/around the plant. I have not managed to find a photo like it on the net but i am guessing it is some sort of hair algae.

Can it hurt the fish? How do i get rid of it?

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Algae is just a lower plant form and opportunistic. i imagine the nuitrient level rose when you used a feeding block. As things return to normal it may die off again once the excess nutrients have been used up.

Algae is generally not harmful to fish (they graze on some forms of it) but it can smother and kill plants if it gets out of control.

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