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Merry Christmas


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Hi all, A very Merry Christmas to you all from me and my family. Thanks for all your help throughout the year, without you guys my tank would not be looking as great as it do and my fish be as healthy. I hope you enjoy your Christmas and have a fantastic and very happy 2012. :thup:


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The same to you and yours. The expression "shaken not stirred" will not ruin our time with family. We will be at Burnham Military Base and they haven't noticed many shakes of late. The four boys and mum and dad were at our place at 2.00 pm yesterday and flew out of the house like birds with their bums on fire and wouldn't go back in the house. We are in Avonside which is a lot closer than Burnham to where the action has been. Still the good news is that it could be all over in 4 years.

You obviously have a big box of goodies to put up this time of year.

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Merry Christmas Mcrudd, Wok and Alan. Alan for you and Jennifer and other Christchurch members I feel for having to deal with this at this time of year.

And to all other forum members and FNZAS Executives and Members.

Its been a trying year for many. Look to the horizon and keep plodding forward.

For me this is my first real Christmas since my childhood. Having a child makes it all the more special ( Even if he is more interested in the wrapping)


Merry Christmas to all.

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