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wahoooo!!!!My first L52 spawn


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well Krib in petshops $120- $150 and for critter they only grow 12cm thats smaller than bristlenose :) i was going to get a whole lot fro people at $80 but i might not do that now as i have bred them and yes they will be cheaper than that if they survive and yes krib they are also known as pretty peckoltia

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i cant get my bn's to spawn either. when the male flares up and chases the female away from the bamboo, is this good??

When they are going to spawn you'll see a lot of activity in and around where they're going to do it, my male never chased away the female that I could see. Do they have a nice DARK little cave or hidey hole where the father can fan them with his tail to his heart's content? I had this chinese pagoda thing that had just one entrance hole, it was quite small and the male had to go in sideways - it went up to a point and that's where the babies were, I could see the father inside with his tail going nonstop for days - even when he came outside for a rest his tail never stopped!

They spawned the FIRST night after I put the pagoda into the tank! Before that they must have been frustrated because there was nowhere suitable for them.

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well only five babies made it sadly and i know why so many died as i was to keen when i saw that some babies had hatched i decided to take all the eggs and the babies out in a seperate tank but i think the babies need the male to kep the eggs cleand and actually hatch them out of his mouth but the 5 are doing really well so hopefully they will raise up.But dont worry guys i am petty sure the female is going to spawn soon as she is so fat and i think she only deposited half the eggs and still has alot left over as she is so fat and the male is fanning for her will keep post on the five and how they go and when the pair spawn again and i also have another female so might gve her a go aswell as she is really fat

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well my male has done it again and the female has laid twice the amount since last time and this time i will not be stupid and take the as they are hatching sorry about that guys.Any way the babies from last spawn (2) are about 2cm and growing really fast so hopefully ill get a female out of these as i i think my third adult may be a male but he/she is hard to tell from as fights with my male but looks like a female but my spawning female did fight a little this afternoon to get to spawn with my male

cheers Kyle

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thats great :D , i have found if the male is good ots best to leave the babies with him, if you are wanting to rase some by habd when they leave the nest take some not all of them and see who does the better job, remember to keep up the water changes (thats the key ) and feed lots .

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