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Common Pleco fry questions


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Hi All,

Have a couple of common plecos in one of my cichlid tanks,4 days ago I noticed one of them with his tail hanmging out of a barnacle cluster for a few hours,had a closer look and found he had a cluster of orange eggs :thup: .Anyway i have made a floating fry container 25x10x10cm. This morning i shifted the barnacle with male and eggs to container. Fry have hatched,at the stage where they are wriggling,connected to egg sack.

My questions are

- how long do i leave them with male?

-when do i introduce food and what type? -im thinking zuchinni?

-should i remove barnacle cluster and add a small piece of driftwood?

Im used to cichlid fry,the idea of little plecos wasnt something i was expecting

any tips would be greatly appreciated


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Hi All,

Have a couple of common plecos in one of my cichlid tanks,4 days ago I noticed one of them with his tail hanmging out of a barnacle cluster for a few hours,had a closer look and found he had a cluster of orange eggs :thup:

Huh, I didn't think anyone had ever bred common plecs in an aquarium, so I haven't seen anything about breeding them. But presuming raising them is similar to other species that have been bred...

.Anyway i have made a floating fry container 25x10x10cm

A breeding size common plec must be seriously cramped in that tiny container. Might be better to leave them in the tank unless you're worried about them being eaten by the other fish?

- how long do i leave them with male?

Forever or until you want to sell them or move them to another tank to free up space.

-when do i introduce food and what type? -im thinking zuchinni?

Once their egg sac is gone. Should only be a couple days. Zuchinni is good, spinach, plecochips, etc. More variety the better.

-should i remove barnacle cluster and add a small piece of driftwood?

I'd just add the driftwood, assuming you have room.

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