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Issues with getting the CO2 into the tank


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I have a pressurised CO2 setup with a solenoid on a timer and a plastic bubble counter and a glass diffuser. It used to work perfectly but now the plastic bubble counter keeps popping apart spilling the small amount of water in it. Its a new bubble counter as I thought the old one was faulty because the same thing was happening. Could it be my diffuser - is it possible its blocked. I would love some of you to post pics of the way your CO2 is setup.

Any suggestions

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thanks Phoenix!

I ran it without the diffuser and no issues so soaked it in bleach and as soon as I started it off again the bubble counted popped apart. I am going to purchase a glass one. Just checking as its a little hard to tell but yours is inside the tank? I will also have to get a new diffuser I suspect.

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  • 2 months later...

one thing I have noticed is different diffuser's have very different running pressures. My old diffuser use to require me to turn the pressure up just about all the way in order to get the required bubbles per min. However, with my new diffuser the reg is hardly even turned on...

So in short, your diffuser is most probably putting a lot more pressure on the line then what mine does.

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