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Obstacle's Nano Cube


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don't :nilly:

i like to take things slowly with marine

even though every thing was cycling before change over the change may cause a mini cycle again

as ethanyo has said keep an eye on your water parameters

and have enough water on hand for changes

anenomes can be fickle creatures at the best of times

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Dan, Zayne really wants some pics :sml2:

:spop: :spop:

Oh really? He's keeping quiet about it. Truth is I've got the lights set to come on during the day and pretty much fade out at the same time as the sun so when there's enough light for pics there's also too much backlight. I'll set the timer to go longer tomorrow night and take some pics then if I remember.

Thanks for the tips guys. I've got a nice warm bucket of fresh Takapuna sea water sitting right next to the tank in case I need it. I might try to do a few litres of water changes every day for a while just to be sure.

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don't :nilly:

i like to take things slowly with marine

even though every thing was cycling before change over the change may cause a mini cycle again

as ethanyo has said keep an eye on your water parameters

and have enough water on hand for changes

anenomes can be fickle creatures at the best of times

wouldn't you know it! I've got ammonia today :facepalm: It's only .5ppm but that's after a 20% water change. Should I dose with Prime to negate any ill effects or should I just keep up the water changes? I've kind of resigned myself to the fact that I screwed up going with this stocking as the first stock for the tank and that I may lose them but I'm over that and prepared to do whatever I can to make it work. Tips/suggestions/directions please :)

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what was the level in the water you used for change?

what is prime?

keep up water changes

I'm glad you asked because I hadn't thought to test. It's straight from Takapuna boat ramp so I assumed it'd be none but it's actually .5ppm as well. There's my problem! Damn it... It has been sitting for a few (5) days in a bucket in a dark cool room, clearly that doesn't work. I'll go and collect some more tomorrow if this rain stays away and I'll test it as soon as I get home to make sure it's clean and clear. Maybe that RO/DI unit needs to be a higher priority.

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ever tried getting water from Cox's bay? There's a stream that goes up into Herne Bay so you could probably still get water at low tide, and not have to go over the bridge for it.

I don't trust harbour water. Not really sure why but by the time it's flowed past the ships and waterfront I don't want to touch it. I was originally collecting from Waiake beach (Torbay) as it was further away from the harbour. I might go back there...

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I'm glad you asked because I hadn't thought to test. It's straight from Takapuna boat ramp so I assumed it'd be none but it's actually .5ppm as well. There's my problem! Damn it... It has been sitting for a few (5) days in a bucket in a dark cool room, clearly that doesn't work. I'll go and collect some more tomorrow if this rain stays away and I'll test it as soon as I get home to make sure it's clean and clear. Maybe that RO/DI unit needs to be a higher priority.

Get a new test kit, never had nsw with ammonia, fresh or after weeks storage, esp from takapuna ramp .

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New kit and new water collected today. Tank has .5ppm ammonia, new water has 0ppm ammonia so it's just a little cycle. I'll keep up daily water changes and hope it clears up in a day or 2. I compared my anemone to the same species at HFF Albany and they're both looking the same so I'm not worried that it's stressed or dying just yet.

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