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165L fish ideas...


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I've set up my new tank which is an Aqua 850 165L tank and all it's inhabitants seem to be doing fine so far. At the moment it contains platys, chain & striata loaches, some albino, bronze and emerald (a result of my bronze & albinos getting together?), a golden bristle nose & 4 Otto cats. I'm also going to transfer some rummy noses and black neons in the next few days.

I'm thinking of selling my platys in the next few weeks when everything is settled & wanted some ideas of what fish may go well in there.

I originally thought angelfish but now not so sure...

I've Lready got mollies, swordtails, dwarf rainbows & a pair of butterfly cichlids (which are all lovely) in my other tank.

I also thought about discus but not sure if tank is big enough or that I'm experienced enough for such expensive fish :roey: .

I also intend to take a trip down to HFF in the near future to have a bit of a chat and a look.


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Thanks Ismart, I may loil into getting a couple more as they have great personalities too. Hmm, to get more of the same (I have a gorgeous sparkling blue dwarf one) or a couple of other colours... Will have to see who grabs my eye at the LFS next time I get there. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was trying to find Phoenix44's planted tank thread to show you, at one stage he had lots of gourami in there and I think it is a 3 foot tank so maybe similar size to your ...

this is the best I could do, hopefully someone else knows what the name of the thread was http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=55139

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Thanks for ideas :slfg:

I think I've just decided to add two pairs of boesemani rainbow fish as they are both stunning to look at and peaceful LOL. I have two dwarf pairs in my other tank and they are lovely, showing off their colours all the time.

Will let you know how I get on. :thup:

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Thanks Sophia & Phoenix, I found the gorgeous little gourami's on page 28 & in the meantime got sidetracked reading about a whole lot of other stuff LOL...

Phoenix - did your gourami's bash each other up or get along just fine?

Getting a red flame dwarf to go with my blue may be a plan - hopefully they will be ok with 2 pairs of quick gouramis...

Another idea I have for the future is a team of 6-8 blue conchu tetras - has anyone had any experience with these & think they will be ok with gourami's, ottos, Corys, rainbows & a few platys? Or another type of schooling tetra for mid to top levels that would look effective on dark gravel & plants? :cofn:

Cheers & thanks for the ideas...

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Went to HFF in Mt Roskill this afternoon and picked up a gorgeous dwarf neon red to go with my dwarf blue. Was told they can be territorial so will see how these two get on before adding another one of each in the future...

They had quite a few of these there though as well as some dwarf chocolates and honeys

I also saw some silver tipped tetras which I may get 10 of in the future for their schooling/shoaling nature - they looked stunning and aren't known as fin muppets as the blue cochues can be.

Will have to get the hang of photo bucket so that I can post some pics :D

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