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Swim Bladder :/

mike 65

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Are they are short bodied type of goldfish or comets? The short bodied types are prone to this problem.

Do they start doing loop de loops after they have eaten then slowly come right again?

Feeding low-quality food that soaks up water and expands inside the fish can cause food impactions.

Bacteria – A bacteria attack could cause inflammation.


Check the water quality.

Feed the fish peas that have been cooked and popped out of the shell (the fish can't digest the skin). Just thaw 2 or 3 frozen ones would do. Peas are a laxative and may help if it is food impaction.

They aren't swallowing stones are they? Goldfish tend to do this and they occasionally get stuck on the way through the system. Perhaps you need to reconsider the size of the gravel?

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Yeah my fantail goldfish had swim bladder and I think it was from swallowing a piece of gravel, as I have seen it do it a few times and then spit it back out. Now it's not an issue as I've moved my goldfish out into the pond and it has big smooth stones in it. My fantail had a thing about sucking up the gravel ... it would spend most of it's day sucking food/algae off the gravel. It was funny because I could hear the gravel moving around/dropping down.

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