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Asian Arowana = big buckos


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Popular Arowanas mean big bucks, which is reason why I suppose you don't see many expensive arowanas like 'asian arowanas' in New zealand petstores. If I were to specially order one from the petstore, how much would it cost??....I assume there are no places in New Zealand where arowanas are bred?...

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whooooaaa....thats quite expensive alright....damn it! yeah I do know that silver arowanas are going at $144 at my LFS but I think the exotic colourful breeds have to be specially ordered from overseas...hence the big bucks on them (i.e the $3000 you saw)....its a pity, as some of them would be fantastic fish to keep here...

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arrowanas were bad news here in th UK not long ago.

everyone was selling them, at about 3" in length

they looked really cool, and only cost about £10

little did most folk realise that they can grow to over 1 metre in length and can jump out of the water to a height of over 1 metre to catch and eat small birds etc.

i found it hard to belive until I went to chester zoo and saw them in their glory - truely huge mysterious beautiful fish, but no tank can hold them at home for ever - they are huge!

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to get them in you have to get no less than 12 of them in, and that is if you can get them in, the red tape that the importer has to do is alot, so i would say the ones at jensens are your best shot of getting a coloured one, apart from the blacks they come in from time to time (very night)

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Yea i agree with morf, i had a silver aro and man was it skiterish, it used to jump like crazy, and do some real damage to himself. He is huge now prob comming up to about 2 foot, i dont know if the coloured aro's are so bad for jumping though.

Silvers get that drop eye, usually in one eye, and i think the coloured aro's arent so prone to getting it, jansens have had a couple in there stores, you could prob cut a dea with them cause they have been there for for so long.

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yep, thats pretty intense spending for a fish, I like the look of them but hearing about the silver smacking its head on the glass top and doing damage sounds all too painful to hear..... I guess it would take a swimming pool to keep one of those beauties happy and natural, that pretty much eliminates my desire to buy one.... in any case they're wonderful to look at thats for sure, thanks for your comments guys

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