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Barclaya longifolia delayed germination


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I have barclaya longiflora seeds germinating in good numbers across two tanks.

Tank one being the tank that the parent plants flowered in and tank two being where I transplanted some of the seeds that I collected.

There were two parent plants, one red and one green and both produced the seeds about a year ago and haven't flowered since.

I had a few seeds germinate a month or so after they were planted but I had given up on the rest

I have read that barclaya longiflora can take up to a year to germinate but I didn't really believe it.

Has anyone else had any experience with this ?

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I also didnt have much luck germinating these only 1 poped up out of 100 odd seeds have had alot more pups from around the base of the parent plants.

Still waiting on a red if any going :cofn:

Check with pupuke they are get them in from time to time, I have picked some up and shipped it to people in the past..

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