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how much time do our heaters spend heating ?


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would it the be cheaper to run all 300w heaters on 200 litre tanks ? or would it cost more in the end, or the same ?

Be the same. As long as the temperature stays the same the heat loss will be the same and the efficiency of the heaters will be the same. Just the duty cycle will vary.

You can get a watt meter at The Warehouse for something like $15, it will measure how many kilowatt hours are used over a given period. Plug your heater into it, check again 24 hours later.:)

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that would depend on the temp of water and ambient temp.

But i know this

Jager heaters:

i kow that they turn on ever 10 mins or so, and if your temp is fine they will turn off, almost like a check. Also they turn on of course if there is a sudden change in temp.

This is what i tried to utilize wtih my water changer. The checks produce good amount of heat and by adding water slowly i found i saved power rather than big water changes.

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