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Wounded Zodiac loach


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Ok so I have had 2 of these guys in my com. tank for most of this year.

Yesterday I noticed one of them has 2 wounds either side of it's pectorial fins that look like something has tried to take a bite. Today I notice 2 wound of the same size and shape in the exact same location on the other side.

They are in with

4 Angels

5 little Macmasterri

2 Blue rams


25 (ish) corys

4 bristlenoses

6 Black widows

10 penguin tetras

I am almost completely sure it wasn't the angels as the hang out in different levels of the tank, the rams are really dosile and my little Apistos don't seem to be aggressive either.

It's weird how uniform the wounds are, there isn't anything that could have fallen on it and doesn't look like it has squeezed it's self through anything.

I was wondering if any one could shed some light on this?

And also the best plan of action to take to help it make a recovery? doesn't seem any worse off apart from the wounds and it's Impossible to catch, either in a net or by camera.

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hey Waterlogged, how big is your tank? might have to empty some water out and put them in a isolation net (they have to be catchable somehow! less water helps!) then you can hopefully get some shots and someone on here might be able to identify what could be going on :)

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It's 445L aprox and too many hiding places to catch it with out tearing the tank apart.

I have only ever seen friendly/schooling activity between the 2 other wise that would have been my first guess too.

I assume that these loaches were a social species like most loachs, was I wrong?

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Hi there,

Loaches, in general, are very sociable (although Pakistani Loaches can bicker), but they do have a stoush every so often. Even when they play those very strong jaws can cause some damage. One of my Striata Loaches recently lost most of it's dorsal fin, it healed up very quickly and is now growing back.

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I had 2 zodiac loaches at one point too, they got along fine sometimes but then the next minute they would be fighting. Seemed to fight for a long time circling each other and nipping fins etc. one of mine also had wounds on it ( red and round) they didnt seem bothered by the wounds, but i eventually got rid of tehm cause they were picking on the corys.

should make sure there not picking on your corys, but i guess if you got enough of them it shouldnt be much of a problem...

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I remember reading on Seriously Fish that some people have reported aggressive behavior between Zodiac loaches, but I think they still recommend them to be kept in groups of four or more?

Maybe they have overlapping territories... or just hit puberty.

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Yeah, one of the other threads was talking about something similar http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8541

It could just be a coincidence that the wounds are matching, most of the fighting I've seen involves the fish going for the same area on the other fish each time ie pectoral fins, tips of the tails etc

I'd try to get a few more, the skunk loaches I had did much better with three even than just two - one was definatley more dominant and the other was getting picked on a bit.

As for the damage they can do, I've had a finger punctured enough to bleed slightly by a young striata loach, painful little guy.

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Loaches can be sensitive to meds or excess salt, most species can also be quite aggressive although boisterous and feisty probably describe it better..

The zodiacs i had didnt get on very well and were always scrapping over territory, they also used to pick the eyes out of the swordtails.


The loaches book says "While it will tolerate others of it's own species provided each has it's own territoriy, this species can also be kept alone."

They seem to be one of the loaches that don't like to school.

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