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A BAD Clown setup for sale


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If things aren't hard enough as it is now, i found this for sale on trade Me, i feel sorry for the poor bugger that buy's this exspecting to keep healthy Clown fish and ends up killing them becuase some F%U& T$^&*&% has misslead them, to make a quick buck.

Why do these poor clown fish have to suffer, this setup doesn't come with clown fish so i wonder how many have already died becuase of this persons lack of knowledge or/and ignorance.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Lifestyle/Pets ... 547124.htm

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OK, so how many peolpe would use this size tank, and/or reacomend this size tank to someone that may or may not have exsperiance?

Maybe i'm just over reacting, but aren't nano's very hard to maintain and haven't most of us warned new comers on this forum to keep away from a small tanks becuase of the problems.

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I was looking at this setup as a quarantine tank but descided it was not suitable due to the live rock and filter type.

Amazing what a little research tell you, so a standard glass tank and simple spung filter is what is required and a little too small.

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