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Hydroponics idea


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I have just installed a wet/dry filter as a return for my rift tank. It measures 1m x .25 x .25 and is filled with bio balls. I was wondering if I could plant the top of it out in a hydroponic fashion. I have a heap of spatiphyllum that I could use which has been in the tank for the past 4 months. I would replace the top .05m layer of bio balls with inert coconut fibre as a planting medium with JBL clay balls. Would there be any benefit for this other than ascetic, such as nitrate/nitrite absorption?

Thanks in advance to any advice

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It could work, but I don't think clay balls in there would be a good idea. The clay would dirty the water very fast with the water moving past them. The purpose of the plants would be to remove the things that you don't want. So if you need to feed clay balls because they are struggling to grow then they would be of no use to the removal of nitrates/nitrites. Then yes, they would become more of an aesthetics thing rather than a useful thing. hope that makes sense :-?

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  • 5 weeks later...

As said by si_sphinx, If you are wanting to take out nutrients then you shouldn't put JBL or any other type of fertiliser in there. I've seen a few marine setups which grew mangroves in their wet/dry to remove nutrients but I dont think it really took off. If I was going to do it I would use a grass (vetiver is really good at removing nutrients but grows to big I would think) grasses suck out nutrients but are very hardy and will survive lean times as well... have a look into the nutrient removal capacity of something like mondo grass which will handle being wet....

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  • 1 year later...

I guesstimate that over 98% of all hydroponics shops business comes from people who grow cannabis. The other 2% will be fish people buying plant tubes and hydroton :lol: The issue wasn't that they were selling equipment used to grow cannabis, it's all legal until the cannabis seed is planted. The issue is that they were giving advice on how to grow cannabis and growing it themselves on site or at their homes. You can set up a grow tent perfect for growing cannabis if you want but until you introduce the cannabis seed or plant, no one can prove what you were going to grow.

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:smot: but what did they expect, even the adds they ran on TV advertised the stuff they're being prosecuted for.

The selection of pipes, I mean flower vases along with marijuana smell deodorizer sprays doesn't help much more. :slfg:

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Deep water culture uses a polystyrene "raft" which has holes which hold the baskets containing the hydroton and rock wool for the plants. This floats on top of the nutrient solution. The roots shouldn't rot if the water is well aerated so normally there is an air bubbler below.

So, I wonder if it's feasible to have a small raft in your tank with a few basil plants. You don't want the raft to cover the entire surface as that's your oxygen exchange occurs. Normally they say that the container has to be black to prevent algae growth but if you also had some plants in the tank, it might be enough to suppress the algae. The plants in the basket should out compete the immersed plants though.

The other issue is whether the fish will eat the dangling roots ...

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