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There's always a risk...

David R

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Thursday night my male festae snapped and beat the female to within an inch of her life. Most likely he was trying to protect their fry from her (even though she wasn't harming them). This wasn't the first time I'd left the fry with them, but it was their biggest spawn and there was about 2-300 of them. I put her in a separate tank but she slowly went down hill and I made the call to put her out of her misery this morning.

Now I have to try to figure out what to do with a 10" male festae that seems intolerant of anything else...

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Sorry to hear about and see this David, if I had a $1 for every time it has happened to me I would have a few $$s now, it is just cichlids for you unfortunately :( Sometimes you catch them early enough sometimes now..

I am with the others hopefully the fry bring the next generation though.. I have no interest in keeping any but probably have some tank space to stash a few away and grow them up for you along side some of their (much better looking) african brothers/sisters if that is an issue for you.

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Not sure what I'll do with the fry, if I'll keep some/any, depends what I do with the bit male. I'm keen to spread them around the country to hopefully get more pairs established (would highly recommend a divided tank!) and make sure they don't disappear. I don't have the space/time/desire for another pair, will pass the baton on to someone else...

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Not sure what I'll do with the fry, if I'll keep some/any, depends what I do with the bit male. I'm keen to spread them around the country to hopefully get more pairs established (would highly recommend a divided tank!) and make sure they don't disappear. I don't have the space/time/desire for another pair, will pass the baton on to someone else...

damm David DAmmmm..... :facepalm:

do you want a replacement? try my female festae..

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Fry are good, got over a hundred in the 3' tank now, growing steadily. If someone wants the male then flick me a PM, he's pretty anti-social, wasn't interested in sharing the 6' tank with a few jags, currently housed alone. I wouldn't recommend trying with a female without a divider ready...

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