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how do you hold loose mushrooms on


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Can be pretty difficult. One more successful, but time consuming method I've tried is to use a needle and thread, stick it right through the mushroom and sew it on to the rock. Some of them will still gradually work loose though.

Another way is to drill a number of holes into the rock about 15 mls deep, chop the mushroom into several pieces and drop a piece in each hole. Provided there is not enough current to wash them out, they will eventually attach and grow out the hole.

Good Luck!

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I have tried a few different ways but have had the most success with just jamming them into holes, I get about a 50% success rate. I have also read about ppl putting little pieces of coral rock and mushies into a container and leaving it somewhere with out much current. Once the mushies have attached, superglue the little pieces of rock where you want them (nb: I have never tried this myself).

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