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Apistos rams angels and cories and Synodontis?


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Morning all,

lovelly day for staying inside and doing water changes etc...

I have a juwel 260 with the following fishes:

harlequins (3) used to cycle (was 10 but angels have thinned them out)

4 wild type angels

4 veiltail german blue rams

5 super red rosy barbs

6 odessa barbs

4 chain loaches

4 leopard cories


4 ottos

1 featherfin synodontis

1 bristlenose

I reckon this is pretty well stocked but .... was wondering if i would have any issues sneaking a pair of apistos in there.

cheers andy

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Thanks team, forgive me but i have to ask, does any one have first hand experience with a syno munching anything other than tetras? its one of my favourite fish so i need to think about this one.

Regardless, Apistos are safe, i wont get them.

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I have heard of them killing discus by sucking the slime coating off. I have also seen an image of one dead from trying to eat a clown loach. They are a stomach, with a few bits and pieces to aid in filling that up as often as possible.

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Nice description mate, reminds me of a few people i know. :D

interesting stuff none the less and sure has got me thinking. surfing the net i can only find good things about them in a community with the exception of neons, who indeed go missing at night. same mode the angels seem to adopt.

does anyone have a syno in a community setting such as mine with no probs?

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Or a bigger tank for the larger ones :P

well i do have a spa pool thant couild be converted...... :o is this the fierst sign of mts, the fact that i am thinking about how it would work?

i think i saw staghorn growing out of my living room carpet a few weeks ago, turned out to be cotton, gave me a fright. is this another sign?

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