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Hand-held plenoptic camera

Have you been told about that technology ?

Just terrific... :o

That technology allows both the picture taker and the viewer to focus pictures AFTER they’re snapped, shift their perspective of the scene, and even switch seamlessly between 2D and 3D views. It is not another photoshop effect or something. Depth of field informations are recorded inside the image. You can choose how to focus your picture after shooting then re-focus it often as you want, on any area of the picture.

This is achieved by inserting a microlens array between the sensor and main lens, creating a plenoptic camera.

You can try it on-line here.

- Vid 1

- Vid 2

- Vid 3

Light-field technology was developed back in the 1990s, and initially required 100 cameras attached to a supercomputer... This company wants to make an affordable hand-held plenoptic camera !


"Conventional cameras do not record most of the information about the light distribution entering from the world. The goal of the camera presented in this paper is to re-capture this lost information: to measure not just a 2D photograph of the total amount of light at each point on the photosensor, but rather the full 4D light field measuring the amount of light traveling along each ray that intersects the sensor. One can also think of this as capturing the directional lighting distribution arriving at each location on the sensor".

- Paper from Stanford University)

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