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Another snail annihilation idea - Temperature?


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I used to have those little snails that I liked living in my filters as my loaches would eat them in the tank. Started on my ferts and poof! no more cute little snails.

Cool.. I'll go heavy on the PMDD for a while and see. If it doesn't do it I'll order some of your good stuff :D

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I have always known these ones as millions snails,I had these once introduced from some plants and they were very hard to eradicate

Later I unknowingly introduced the malaysian trumpet snails on some plants also,which kept the millions in check as they eat all the millions snail eggs they lay on the glass and over time they pretty much destroy the millions snail population.

The downside is that the trumpet snails multiply by the hundreds and they don't crush easily like the other type :an!gry

I've always heard "Millions snail" referring to the common pond snail. These below...


Not the cinnabun ramshorn snails like these...


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One of the things I've done with some success is to take the substrate out and bake it in the oven. I've done it to dry it out before storage when changing the scapes but it kills anything living in there too. Then you'd have to scrub the glass and soak the plants in snail rid. That would get just about all of them, you might see some stragglers that managed to escape but nowhere near as much as you would have now. I think your moss wouldn't enjoy the snail rid but worth a try if you are that desperate to get rid of them. If you weren't concerned about the moss being attached to the wood you could pull it off and bake the wood as well to kill the ones in the wood.

Also I can swap you an almost full container of snail rid for some more snails too!

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Also I can swap you an almost full container of snail rid for some more snails too!

Thanks Sophia, this could be an option if all else fails.

Strange observation this morning: (after dosing heavily with ferts (containing copper) last night.

I always see HEAPS of snails on the glass in the morning before the lights come on but this morning NONE on the glass.. They are still there on plants, rocks etc. but it's like something is different... I will poison them slowly but surely, HE HE HEEEE (evil laughter)

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Have you tried a snail trap? The idea is to get the shells out of the tank as well, or you'll be left with a load of calcium in the tank.

Good idea.. a combination of poisoning and trapping... Their days are numbered! (famous last words)

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Did a little test:

Collected a bunch of snails in a mayo jar.. all the snails started to crawl up the sides..

Then put 1 drop of fert in the jar.. 1 min later all the snails started dropping like flies to the bottom... not sure if they are dead now but if not they are definitely hidding from something...

Good sign... fertilizers certainly seem to deter snails :happy1:

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