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Fish clubs and shows.


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I want to check out some fish SHOWS (Guppy) to see who's breeding what strains out their and were they got them from. Are These on often. is good place to see a few breeders of top quality fish.?. Whos the best people to contact about this and their contact details please. PM me if you like.

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If you want to find out more about clubs and shows and stuff then join your local fish club.. :)

As for shows the FNZAS is looking to run one in a year or so in Hamilton apart from that I am not aware of anyone else who does them in NZ..

The local clubs do not hold any shows. Thats what c :thup: lubs do is it not. Organise shows and raise money for paper and stamps etc etc etc and trophies. Tea and bikkies.

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albino mike should know about guppy shows, apparantly one of the guppies he got from me came 2nd!

I dont think it was FNZAS affiliated though.

mike should be able to provide more details about the story was with that.

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Sounds like you definitely need to join our club and help arrange a show, I have just taken over as president and we are definitely looking for ideas to promote the club, the hobby and raise a few $$s at the same time..

I like the sound of that. You should donate x amount to a charity then more people will support. Not only are you raising more funds but some will be going to a cause. Even if it goes to a member on FNZAS that needs help. Also if you have a show with a large enough audience you could sell food and fish items kind of like an expo. You could rent a big hall set up some tanks in there make them look nice. Have some stalls and other nic knacky things. Also I wouldn't do just guppies I would all fish and even reptiles if people have them.

Good luck!

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what could be fun, we would need somebody to breed one strain (assuming guppys) in huge amounts and then, everyone would get this guppy at the same time, breed for a year with whatever other guppy you got, or breed true (if it was a true line?), but enough time to develop your own from original if wanted, come back after a year and hold a show of everyone's guppy's, details of there out crosses, or not, e.g family tree, different color throws that can sometimes be fantastic, look at recessive genes and breeding efficiency, diets of all the different fish, tank size vs water changes vs growth etc

maybe this is me just being a nerd but i think it could be really cool

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I only wanted to go to look at a fish show. :thup: I have been to poultry shows, dog shows and other types of live shows. But never to a fish show. Yes we could even join the fish club. I am up for a bit of fun.

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