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New member from Auckland


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Hi guys i am a new member to the forum, ive kept African Cichlids for a few years now but have just recently acquired the time and money to get into fish a bit more seriously (just left high school). i have finally managed to set up a fish room and now have 4 tanks. 1 display (200L) with 8 Demasoni (2-3cm), 12 electric yellows (4-8cm), and one male Tropheus Duboisi yellow band (10cm). 1 (240L) with, 13 frontosa (6 at 3cm, 6 at 4cm and one female at about 12cm) also another male Tropheus. Another 240L with, 5 snow whites (3-4cm) and 5 Blue zebras ranging from 7-12cm 2 males and 3 females with one currently holding. last tank is another 240L that im currently using for water changes until i can hopefully get some Red Zebras. So yeah just thought id introduce myself and if anyone has any red zebras or female blue zebras they are willing to sell or swap for, yellows, tropheus or male blue zebras id be really interested because iv been trying to find reds for a while now with no luck.

heres some pics of tanks and fish, (any advice would be greatly appreciated).


Blue zebras and snow whites


Frontosa and male Tropheus Duboisi






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Hi and welcome! :)

I agree you should join the fish club!

A few comments, you might want to consider getting a few more demasoni 8 is not a good number to have (unless you have vented out 1m and 7f but at 2-3cm this is unlikely). You are probably already aware of it but you will need to get a much bigger tank for the fronts in a few years :) Also be careful your "blue zebras" and snow whites aren't crossing they are both zebras so it is not a good idea to be breeding those 2 in the same tank if you want to keep/sell the fry, not really a biggie because most blue zebras will be hybrids anyway..

I have some very nice red zebras I am growing out (bright orange no black marking etc) to breed from, unfortunately I lost my breeders a while back so I am not breeding any at the moment but it probably wont be long before these ones are big enough to chuck in their own tank and start breeding..

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hey thanks for the feedback guys, yeah Ryan i brought the Dems from you through Trademe and am really happy with them awesome fish and growing fast! do you have any more for sale? i just stripped my first blue zebra last night and got about 40 fry, but yeah when the snow whites grow abit more i will move them into another tank. Im really keen on some red zebras and yeah i saw your juvie reds when i got the demasoni off you. My electric yellows arent breeding yet though and i think the ratio of males to females is about 4-8 is this ok? or should i be removing some of the males?

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Sweet :) The reds are growing well now in a 5fter with some other fish..

I have more dems for sale here if you want some just let me know.

Re your yellows I am not the best person to ask - because I can't seem to get my colony breeding despite tons of people waiting for fry because they are nice clean ones and hard to find now.. But yeah I would try and fiddle around with your ratio maybe and see, how are you sexing them if the aren't breeding? Are you venting them? Yellows are very hard to sex by appearance, sure the black on fins and size/dominance etc can be a good guide but I have seen fish I would swear were males (big fish, bold black on all fins even egg spot on anal fin) holding..

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yeah i would defiantly be keen on some more demasoni, what sizes do you have? oh ok haha well that puts my guess on male/ female ratio out the door... was just sexing them on appearance/ aggression because 4 are much more noticeably brighter yellow and much blacker on the fins than all the others. So i guess i will try venting then? but in saying that the lady i brought them off said they were producing a lot of fry for her, so at first i thought that being in with some aggressive male zebras and larger fish might have been putting them off? but even now that they are in a tank pretty much by themselves apart from the 8 small demasoni and a tropheus nothing has happened.

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Only small ones or big males at this stage..

Yellows are hard to tell I used to breed them by the thousand but for some reason they haven't spawned in over 7 months.. I thought the same thing about the bigger aggressive fish but mine are in a tank on their own too so who knows, just one of those things sometimes fish just take a break :)

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oh ok well thanks but ive found a group of 8 that will fit in well size wise with the ones i got off you. yeah i spose ill just have to wait then haha. also im really interested in joining the Auckland Fish Keepers Association... how do i join? :D

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Glad you found some bigger ones :) Always best to match size where possible, although I found the addition of a bigger male helps keep the peace too - nobody bothers to scrap because they know he is the boss..

Pretty hard work to join the club man, need to be recommended by 6 existing members and pass initiation.. lol Just kidding :) Come along to the next meeting it is the second Tuesday of next month, think it is at someones house but I haven't had that confirmed, it will be posted in the clubs section on here when it is finalised but the date is set in stone.. If you like the club then you can pay to join and get a club membership and FNZAS membership/discount card..

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