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Advice on a black background


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My tank does not have much space from the wall, and is too heavy to shift but I would like to take my current wallpaper off and put a plain black one. My sister in law said you get those sticky plastic paper that you put in cuboards do you think those will work or can a person buy a plain black background, I can't really get in there to paint so it will have to be a paper one of some sorts. I actually thought of getting black card paper and laminating it, I did that with a little picture for my puffertank, but just not sure whether a 95cmX55cm paper is available to do it :dunno:

Any advice from you guys :wink:

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for $4.50 I bought some polyphene sheeting (something like that) I got 2m by 1m. It looks realy nice if you look with the naked eye, but if you take pics it does not look that good. Here is an egsample. the pic is with the camera of course and the video clip is how it looks with the naked eye



I can't do the background like in the link you gave Hovmoller although that would look fantastic, I just have about 20cm space inbetween the tank and the wall. I might have to go with the card at a later stage, thanks all for the advice :thup:

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Anything shiny (eg laminated black paper, or a black polythene garbage bag I used once) risks creating reflections and drawing attention to the background.

Cardboard does risk getting water marks on it but is cheap and easy.

Mcrudd's polyphene sheeting looks ideal!

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I have tried everysingle black type colour behind my tank now and I still get a mirror effect. I even draped a black fluffy blanket which is definetly not reflecting and I still got the mirror effect. What do you guys do to get rid of the mirror effect?

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I used to have this problem, I might have got it wrong but the way I see it if there is more light outside the tank then in, you will get a reflection. So by moving a few tanks, so windows were all behind them I lost all reflections. On a tank that had to remain near a window I just boosted the lighting and I get no reflections even on a bright sunny day.

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I used to have this problem, I might have got it wrong but the way I see it if there is more light outside the tank then in, you will get a reflection. So by moving a few tanks, so windows were all behind them I lost all reflections. On a tank that had to remain near a window I just boosted the lighting and I get no reflections even on a bright sunny day.

I had the tank lights on at night with all the lights in my house off and had the same effect, so perhaps Stella is right, I will do some research on my tank make

wow, perhaps it is actually mirrored, or mirror coating? No normal aquarium should reflect like that on the back wall when looking directly through it!

How is having a tank that looks a metre wide a PROBLEM? ;)

LOL Stella it looks great but is a pain because it just looks unnatural and I want my tank to look stunning and its realy not looking anything near acceptable at the time. I will get there though, I am sure I will :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I can see my whole tank reflected again

2 fish for the price of 1! :slfg:

Yeah I think the problem is the inside surface of the glass.. have never seen this problem on other tanks.

Another solution is an insanely expensive 3D background you can buy at your LFS. :nilly:

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