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Snails are they only a pest or can they be helpful


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I have two pufferfish and they eat snails as quick as I put them in the tank. I was wondering if I had to keep them in my main tank whether they will be a pest or a blessing. I could feed them to my puffers and they could hopefully eat the dead leaves from my plants and the food that is left behind by my fish. Just not sure whether it will work or not. I was thinking on getting those red ramshorn snails what do you guys suggest :thup:

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So you have two tanks one for puffers and one for a main tank? If so you could add them into your main tank if there are no loaches predators ect. Or you could set up a small 10L tank with a sponge filter and heater and breed them in there. Puffers are sweet! Good luck

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So you have two tanks one for puffers and one for a main tank? If so you could add them into your main tank if there are no loaches predators ect. Or you could set up a small 10L tank with a sponge filter and heater and breed them in there. Puffers are sweet! Good luck

Yip the puffers are in their own little tank, and then I have my main tank. I just don't want them to completely take over my main tank, and I am not too sure whether they will eat my plants, I know the person on tm say that they only eat the dead leaves, but how can I be sure, googling did not bring up much info as well

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Ramshorns are usually ok with plants. Well mine were.

You can always breed in a small tank. I would use one of those small plastic "goldfish" bowls, or similar, to breed them in.

I have those tiny 5mm snails in most of my tanks. Not on purpose. But they breed like CRAZY.

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Im pretty sure all snails nibble on plants except maybe malaysian trumpet snails. I'm Sure they won't take over your tank if you dont overfeed too much. MTS are no good for puffer food though their shells are too hard. Pretty sure ranshorns will eat very little plants. Good luck

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Thanks all, I might just get 20 to start of with and see how it goes :thup:

Just asked the person if its ok if I do pick up on Sunday, if they say yes, then I will use the buy now and buy 20. They look quite pretty with their little red shells and pinkish bodies :wink:

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I started moving ramshorns out of my tanks and into a takeaway container that was sitting on top of my worm tank. It's on top of a layer of polystyrene, then glass. This week I found 2 snails in the worm tank, they had crawled out, over and into the tank :lol: . Now they are far away and will have to crawl across the room if they get out.

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Just remember that once you snail you can't just unsnail :lol:

I will catch all the fish in my main tank, put them in quarantine tank, take my two puffers and let them feast LOL It took them less than three days to take out 8 snails :slfg:

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