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Worm or white poop?


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I reckon it was a worm. This is what I found today in my super wonderful perfect tank - noone has ever been sick in here ever! Never been mixed with the fish that was sick in my other thread, never been overcrowded.

It looked like it was coming from the anus and though it was getting caught around the fins and antennae (? :oops: ) and whipped about all over the place it did look alive. While I mulled over which vet to spend the rest of my pay at, one of the other gourami sidled up and bit it off him. I caught it and took it out. It tapered at the end and I couldn't see an end like the worms that attach to the body.

So... time for some Droncit or Panacur then? Looks like it hasn't been my week with fish ailments &c:ry






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Feeding white poop - apparently...
haha - sort of

they get white/grindal/black/micro worms, daphnia/mozzies/bugs, thawed brine shrimp/bloodworm, flake food and tiny fish bits

all sorts of things. it might also have had a go at a bit of shrimp pellet or sinking wafer

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 of the infamous White Poopers were found dead on the gravel within a short distance from each other yesterday afternoon. One had a bump along it's back and gill/cheek area was reddish, the other was perfect except for some redness around the middle of the tail. Too small to see anything other than major damage, of which there doesn't seem to be any.

Unfortunately ran out of nitrate test kit but ammonia and Ph were all fine. The only other difference now is that the biggest gourami is now looking particularly unsociable and hanging out at the back of the tank. All I can put it down to is either aggression among the 4 or they ate something that didn't agree with them. For dinner the night before they'd had microworms and some dried brine shrimp, nothing spectacular or out of the ordinary. The other remaining fish is unperturbed and continues to mill around the tank as if nothing happened... maybe he is the guilty one!

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What are you feeding?

Alan, is there something you were thinking of that isn't good to feed them?

Also this evening saw a CPD briefly chase a gourami away from the food so I wonder could they have done it! :roll:

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Hmm I also wondered if they are eating any eggs the CPDs are laying since the females are usually fat but I haven't seen any fry yet.

They don't get white worms more than once a week or 2, my stock isn't very high at the moment.

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On Sunday I moved the white pooper to the cory tank where the diet is different, and no alleged eggs to chomp on. After 3 days of being down there, the only poop I have seen on him is a very long brown one. He is also now quite grumpy being in a bare tank. Gourami 2 that was left behind in the planted tank currently has a white poop, where before he didn't have any because he didn't get to live in and among the moss log.

Detective FishHead has now closed the case of the White Pooper. Next I will see if I get any CPD fry when there isn't someone combing the area looking for snacks. :smln:

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