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VIP RED TANK: my soon to be anyways


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i order 5 kgs the butchery . aussie buther in birkenhead:D

they trim it and take away hard bits, and do a coarse mince. the coarsest possible.

i feed the balls of meat to my bichirs. lasts ages.

i use the same thawed versionf or my own recipe stuff.

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jsut visited my VIP RED names "Serenity"


25 cmm give or tanks 1 or 2.

still very small.

born approx september 2010, imported december 2010.

very nice indeed

cracks on cheeks and cheeks are starting to get orange on it, the lips are starting to get orange.

scales close to gills a few have staretd to sprout orange rims already.

should have it in my tank by tuesday next week!

whoop whoop


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Face it, Henward.. If you name it a girl's name people will either say it sounds like a hooker or a game character. So why not name it something manly? Jonah Lomu or something lol!

"...me love you long time!" :rotf:

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I prefer amusing names for fish, called my old aro Geoffrey, seemed appropriate.

The name Marijuana comes to mind for arowanas, rhyming name for the win haha.

If your naming it after a boat don't call it the rainbow warrior, could bring you bad luck too lol

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i have opened pandoras box:D

ok ok!

i will think of a cool mean name. manly so i can regain my man points :happy2:

God my tanning lights, jumbo carnitick, massivore today!

i have also read that spirulina noticably brings out blue colours in fish.

so i may do a mix of carnistick, massivore and spuirulina disc stuffed shrimp as well as silkworm pupa and locust

dont nkow why, bit it excites me when i think of what to feed the fish!

weird i am :rotf:

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dont nkow why, bit it excites me when i think of what to feed the fish!

weird i am :rotf:

You're not alone lol. I'm nearly constantly thinking of what to feed my fish to give them variety and nutrients. Every time I go to an LFS I always have a look at what food they sell just in case there's something new that I can feed lol.

After all the trouble of getting my aro onto pellets, now I think I need to feed him more shrimp! I suspect that my reduced feeding of shrimp (now once a week) has made him much more aggro. He eats A LOT of pellets (about 20-30 in a day) but he has been systematically taking out my convicts. In the past 2 weeks or so, he has eaten both the females (very sneakily) and last night he kept me up with his splashing around. When I checked in the morning, he had taken out one of the males. He obviously didn't want to eat it (or couldn't), but he just kept going for him all night - didn't touch the other male. So either he's hungry for something meaty, or his hunting instinct is kicking in more now that he can't munch on the prawns. The other male is untouched, and he has never bothered my convicts in the past 5 months of co-existence. I can only guess that the difference was reduction of prawns.

...If he kills the ornate, you'll see a green aro on Trademe. :an!gry

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You're not alone lol. I'm nearly constantly thinking of what to feed my fish to give them variety and nutrients. Every time I go to an LFS I always have a look at what food they sell just in case there's something new that I can feed lol.

After all the trouble of getting my aro onto pellets, now I think I need to feed him more shrimp! I suspect that my reduced feeding of shrimp (now once a week) has made him much more aggro. He eats A LOT of pellets (about 20-30 in a day) but he has been systematically taking out my convicts. In the past 2 weeks or so, he has eaten both the females (very sneakily) and last night he kept me up with his splashing around. When I checked in the morning, he had taken out one of the males. He obviously didn't want to eat it (or couldn't), but he just kept going for him all night - didn't touch the other male. So either he's hungry for something meaty, or his hunting instinct is kicking in more now that he can't munch on the prawns. The other male is untouched, and he has never bothered my convicts in the past 5 months of co-existence. I can only guess that the difference was reduction of prawns.

...If he kills the ornate, you'll see a green aro on Trademe. :an!gry

if he does, ill take him :D , i have always wanted a green :happy2:

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