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Bronze cory eggs


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I put some bronze cories into a tank to help it cycle and the next day I see heaps of eggs on the glass. I don't think the tank is actually going to go through a cycle at all as I've got some filter material from another tank in there at the moment.

I don't have any breeding tanks available at the moment due to the quake but I do have a large net breeding unit.

What is the best thing to do to try to get a successful spawn from these cories?

Should I remove the eggs from the glass and put them in the net unit?

P.S. I'm going to have a lot of hungry killies in this tank this weekend provided the ammonia / nitrite / nitrate levels continue to remain at 0.

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I just bred Sterbais so hopefully I can help.

In my few experiences the best way to go is put them in a plastic container with an air stone(and air). I haven't tried Meth Blue yet and I will as soon as I have a chance to.

Ive noticed that eggs which turn white after a day or more tend to be bad ones. 'Good' eggs will be nice and yellow with black bits(the eyes I think) visible after 3-4 days. You should remove all white ones and ones that have any fungus on them. Once hatched it will take a minimum of 2 days for the fry to finish their egg yolks. After which you need to start feeding small amounts of micro worms as many times a day as possible with 20% water changes every 1-2 days, preferably more often. I do 100-300ml water changes every time before I feed.

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Congrats on the eggs! What sort of hungry killies you getting?

You could try putting a sheet of plastic of suchlike on the bottom of the net breeder to stop the wee ones getting sucked through the bottom. You could put an airstone near the breeder net to get some flow in there.

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I learnt the hard way not to listen to alanmin's advice with my pandas :) - I bought a generic breeding trap with holes in the bottom and as soon as the wrigglers (10+) started popping free of the eggs they fell through the tiny tiny tiny holes and were instantly eaten by the tetra that happened to be swimming past. I ended up with 4 or 5 in a tupperware container in the tank (plastic floats) with an air stone until they were big enough to put in a grow out tank. I was very greatful to have been able to spot the wrigglers being eaten and being able to at least save a few.

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Well it turned out all of the eggs went white and none made it. Would be quite keen to try and breed some cories in the future though. I think 30 or so cories moving the silica sand around on the bottom of my 350L tank would look awesome.

As for the killies, I've got Mr T's whole collection now. Some gardneri blues, whitei?, striatums to go with my golden panchax and gardneri golds.

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