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My New unfinished tank

the new guy

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there are some good cheap skimmers availible at the moment but there is some crap out there too id avoid buying anything off ebay as its more than likely to useless unless you spend hundreds if you do come across something that looks good on the net or trademe at a price within your budget check with us on here first before buying it

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there are some good cheap skimmers availible at the moment but there is some crap out there too id avoid buying anything off ebay as its more than likely to useless unless you spend hundreds if you do come across something that looks good on the net or trademe at a price within your budget check with us on here first before buying it

These are the skimmers ive narrowed it down too.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Pets-animals/F ... 362441.htm

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Pets-animals/F ... 195622.htm

this is the air one i was thinking: i have done abit of research on this one because there is no information on this link.

http://www.petmart.co.nz/cart_product23 ... tegory_ID=

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80l will not give you much leeway for an upgrade. My tank has an 80l capacity, and it severely hinders what can be put in there in regard to fish and the tank invading 'sting anything that is near me' anemone that you may want.

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i wouldnt bother with any of those skimmers the first one is just ugly and will need a rather large , possibly expensive pump to operate it and even then its only an average skimmer

ns- 80 isnt a great skimmer and dosent allow much room to upgrade

and the airlift ive heard they work ok adjusted properly with a grunty(noisy) airpump but they have there own problem like small collection cup and having to replace the limewood airstone often, not to mention micro bubbles, all that aside they are only suitable for a really small tank or a tank with next to no bioload

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here is something else i need some advice on - salt.

i went to he local pet shop and asked about it and they told me to use a brand of salt called "red band" from the supermarket its not normal table salt apparently but i thought about proper aquarium salt but there are a few different brands out there, which one is best?

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here is something else i need some advice on - salt.

i went to he local pet shop and asked about it and they told me to use a brand of salt called "red band" from the supermarket its not normal table salt apparently but i thought about proper aquarium salt but there are a few different brands out there, which one is best?

Thats just nuts. I'd assume they have no idea about marine tanks and thought you wanted to add tonic salt to your fresh water setup. Marine salt it quite different, drying sea salt makes it lose a lot of the compounds you need. When you are starting out any of the brands will do just fine, some have higher calcium etc but not stuff you really need worry about until your coral requirements grow.

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so unfortunitly i am not able to get my marine tank running for another few months :( we have decided when our lease runs out here in about 4 months we are going to move back closer to chch so setting it up now would mean that i have to do it all over again in the near future(and stress the system out??). even though i have everything i need, even the skimmer(and it was free too so no complaints there) but this will give me a chance to do a bit more research and throw more ideas around. We have however set up our tropical tank and wen i get the last few fish to go in it tomorrow i will post some pictures.

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hey buddy just read through your posts, i tried with a small tank which was 160L juwel tank cycled it an everything 2 months or so later got a couple fish and soft corals and that was quite hard to keep running good parameters but i too was new to it now its a bit easier. I lost a fair few fish and an anemone but you live you learn, we all loose fish. I will say you have an option if your running a nano tank straight off the bat. There is a media which you can buy which filters alot of protein and waste, its called "purigen" and will rid the need of a skimmer if room or noise is an issue, this media just wants to be in some sort of flow tho for it to work and its what john runs in his nano at organism and is very effective.

if your looking at salt yes i use red sea salt, not red sea max that is an actual saltwater tank u can buy.

it can be expensive at about 34bux for 4kg but its the good stuff youll want to use it,

and your right down here very hard to find anything live so best thing you can do right now? well throw your dry rock in

a large container maybe a chilli bin like i am put your heater in and a decent pump for circulation and get your cycle of your rocks underway.

Its what im currently doing, in wake of my new 450L setup.

one thing thou make sure there is no light, you dont want algae straight of the bat just your good bacteria :D

hope this helps,



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  • 2 months later...

Ive decided after much more consideration and careful thought i am getting a bigger tank to start with. i had a 200L tank planned but the person i was going to buy it from decided against it so im thinking of having a crack at building my own. it seems i can effectively repair them so i should have a go at building one. can anyone recommend places to get glass?

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