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Holes in leaves of tiger lotus


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Help please my tiger lotus has developed holes in most of its leaves. It started to happen about the time i got some new fish which were a electric blue jack dempsey and 3 yellow barbs. But it was around then that i ran out of fluorish and didnt dose the tank for a couple of weeks. I still puts up new leaves every couple of days and sends out pups every week or so. any help would be great.


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Tiger lotus are heavy feeders and fast growers so nutrient deficiency shows up in no time. I agree with the comments above. I have had a smiliar problem in my tank - I got lazy with dosing, weak spots started showing up in the leaves, and the bristle nose started thinking it was dinner time. One thing leads to another. Once they get into the habit of nibbling, it is very hard to get them out of it too.* :-?

*A net works well though.

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Being a large plant I would hazard a guess that a tiger lotus is a nutrient fiend, not that I have ever tried growing one before. Comprehensive is more of a trace element with a little NPK all-in-one, you might need to increase NPK dosing. How heavily planted is your tank?

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