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Flagtail growth


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I bought a flagtail from HFF a few months ago in November, it was about 3 inches, now it is 4inches pushing 5. Has anyone else bought this fish, how has their growth been for you? Colour development?

Henward you can comment :lol: but this is mainly targeted for those who just bought one from the latest shipment. I will post pics of mine soon.

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When I picked mine up there were 2 in separate tanks, the one I picked had NOTICABLE difference to the other, mine displayed higher levels of red in the tail + and IMO looked stockier, the other ones I have seen have much less colour on the tail (pale orange) and more lines/dots near the caudal fin - my one does not seem to have as much at all.

I have mine on a diet of hikari pellets, and the occaisional prawn, although it is an algae eater it fails to show interest in algae pellets, but I see him 'kissing' the glass a lot of the time; as a result he earned the name hotlips :lol:

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I was going to say, were hare the pics!

When I picked mine up there were 2 in separate tanks, the one I picked had NOTICABLE difference to the other, mine displayed higher levels of red in the tail + and IMO looked stockier, the other ones I have seen have much less colour on the tail (pale orange) and more lines/dots near the caudal fin - my one does not seem to have as much at all.

Is there any sexual dimorphism?

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  • 1 month later...

I dont know how long, better to ask henward that since his is 'adult'. His one is at a foot, but I have seen them up to 20inches. I think his took him 2 years? I feed it hikari stuff, massivore, shrimp occaisionally. Mine is growing quick, noticable difference in size and colour, hes about 15cm now, got him at around 7-8cm. Will post pics again soon I think, just internet going slow :an!gry

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