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True or False


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No sure as the hobby has really changed in the last 3-4 years, so more info around.

All i can say is that you will be lucky to find many people currently that have been keeping marines for more than 5 years.

Why would a tank crash, unless someone stuffed up.

you cant avoid power cuts, glass cracking etc

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I agree the hobby has changed even over the last 5 years. A quick search of a forum like reefcentral, or reefs.org will show you that.

I think is is entirely possibly to sustain a marine tank indefinitely without it crashing, given proper maintenance. Acts of God would be the only thing to interfere to cause a "crash".


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We had an 11 hour power cut last winter, Frog borrowed the firestation genny for the tanks. We had to hire big ones for the shop in the end, but they still weren't powerfull enough to run our big chiller.

P.S. It was the laugh of the town save the tanks never mind the icecreams :D

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I've seen threads on RC of peoples tanks crashing, it happens, but rarely.

There is also something often refurred to as 'old tank syndrome'. People whos tanks go past 5-7 years are known to crash, not amount of water changes etc seems to help. Randy Holmes Farley belives this can be attributed to the rock in the tank getting super-saturated by heavy metals etc, and after a while the rock can no-longer absorb it, or starts to leech it back out. There was a big fuss about Instand Ocean and a few other ASW salts that were attributed to this problem, those companies changed the receipe to resove the issue as I understand it.

I would like to think you can keep the tank indefinatly, I certainly hope so.


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