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cobweb algae?? or is it fungus? pics


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Well, has been dramas.... After I upped the lights I got fed up with the algae (growth had slowed with water changes and vaccumming but still there). So took the plants out and dip bleached them. Which killed the algae, all good. Except the higher lights then sparked off an outbreak of cyanobacteria. :an!gry Had only been feeding fairly lightly and water changes for africa so thats what I am blaming, as never even had a hint of it in that tank before.

So took out one of the bulbs from the T5HO and replaced with a blue coral light just for show(which hopefully?? wouldn't affect algal/plant growth? any experts?) so now only one 24W T5HO effectively on the tank. Tried with daily water changes to halt the growth of the cyano as well as vacuuming - but I could see it start to get away and the plants were suffering (and guppy in there died but not sure if that was the cyano or being beaten up by cockatoos).

So am on last dose of Furan 2 today. No algae, and cyano 99% gone.

*SIGH* Now I have to decide whether to swap out the filter to a different tank with less expensive fish, in case the filter crashes from the furan 2. I am not sure if I want to risk it with these fish - that female would be VERY difficult to replace.

Incidentally the cockatoos thought Day 2 of Furan was the perfect time to spawn, and now she is in her cave with eggs. At least they are not bothered by the treatment!! (tho will the babies be munters I wonder?)

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Its an antibacterial not an antifungal so would have no effect on that unfortunately. But the daily water changes would keep any fungus down hopefully???

Never seen fungussed eggs with these guys, I think the babies hatch then die within a few days or get eaten.

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