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cobweb algae?? or is it fungus? pics


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soo... am having issues with a greyish brown cobwebby algae at the moment. Found that I had managed to uncover some JBL balls a few weeks back, so put some more gravel on top, and have done several water changes since. Had been using excel as well roughly every 2nd day, and flourish comprehensive about once a week. Had also put in some driftwood (I had scrubbed and boiled etc prior to putting in) that went in just before the algae came. Fish are all happy tho.

Got some cobweb looking algae (or fungus??), that was easily removed from plants by vaccuuming and toothbrush but small bits remain esp in the moss etc. After I remove it it looks like I need to go around and "dust", very soft looking. I googled it and while it sounds like thread algae (easy to remove etc), it doesn't seem to grow in individual strands and is not green. Looks just like cobwebs, same colour and texture.

I reduced the lights to about 4-5 hrs a day, and in a panic stopped all ferts and excel cos it started around the same time that I increased the amount of excel I was using - previously had been only using a fraction of the recommended dose. Took out the driftwood just in case but that has been submerged in water outside since and no algae growing there. Have also cut back on feeding the fish quite a lot in the past week in case it was caused by overfeeding. The growth of the algae definitely slowed down but it is still there.

tank size : 60x30x30

Light - had been a PL 24Watt but as of yesterday have got 24in T5HO twin powerglo's.... :happy2:

So, how do I get rid of the algae? More excel? less? more ferts? Seeing as I have just upped the lighting significantly should I go out and get more plants now? I have put them on for 2hrs on 4 hrs off 4 hrs on today - is that too much? How DO you fix things if you suspect you get your JBL clay balls or Daltons in the watercolumn?

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Maybe he could try squirting the Excel directly on the algae? Do you think that might be a bit more effective Simon?

Just a thought though. I'm not very experieced with the hobby.

By the way Sunbird that male Apistogramma cacatuoides is stunning :hail: !drool:

Do you have a pair, or is he on his own? Any fry?

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Maybe he could try squirting the Excel directly on the algae? Do you think that might be a bit more effective Simon?

Just a thought though. I'm not very experieced with the hobby.

I have heard that can be effective but he has a lot so I would double dose asap.

By the way Sunbird that male Apistogramma cacatuoides is stunning :hail: !drool:

Do you have a pair, or is he on his own? Any fry?

Yeah, any fry I love those fish. !drool:

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By the way Sunbird that male Apistogramma cacatuoides is stunning :hail: !drool:

Do you have a pair, or is he on his own? Any fry?

yes, he loves the camera! I have a pair, had some fry from the first spawn but didn't get them out of the tank before the next spawn and they all disappeared :( The last two spawns haven't managed to make it out of the cave so think the male may have developed a taste for eggs.

Ok, will start upping the excel then, I wasn't sure if it had caused it or not.

LOL Bishop FYI I am a laaaady ... yes there is just too much there to dose directly and I love my fish too much to risk giving them a straight dose (they are nosy buggars). That stuff stings my skin so would hate to get it on any of them.

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Well keep trying then. When you do manage to successfully raise a whole bunch of fry, I may be the first person to buy some off you (although it depends on how much cash and what fish I have at the time :) ) :bounce:

You say he loves the camera; try and get some good pics of them and post them in the cichlid section. I can't wait to see what a quality pic of him will look like; he looks great in that previous pic even though he's fuzzy/blury! :happy1:

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:facepalm: err my bad :) sorry.

I agree it does seem odd to straight dose that much, could break it up over a few hours perhaps? Anything I have read on the subject says it is fine, but there is always an element of testing the water ( so to speak ) yourself.

I want some of those cichlid's too they are lovely.

Do you use activated carbon in your filter by chance?

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alright alright, my camera's not great and no i didn't clean the glass as they were spawning at the time of these photos (that is my excuse and am sticking to it)


Mr. Willy Wonka


Little Precious


Mr. Willy Wonka again, just cos

so my algae is definitely algae? or is it fungus?

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Thanks cichlid7, I had a look at that website before I posted. Looks kinda like hair algae but then wrong colour (mine is grey/brown, no green) and doesn't really seem to have individual filamentous strands? Seems to be like a cross between dust and cobwebs, wondering now if it is a fungus.

Anyway, am "vacuuming" it off the plants every 2nd or 3rd day and have upped the excel. It is still there but doesn't seem to be growing as fast now. It is also coating the small amount of BBA which makes me think fungus??

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