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found small holes on discus lip?


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I've found 2 small holes on my small discus upper lip, also found white lines on the two front fins, also weird glow looking circle on/in one of the eye near the nose... I suspect it is some kind of parasite infection?? :dead%fish


how do I fix him??

other discus(3) are healthy and bigger, the sick one sometimes pick on the 2nd largest discus we got, so he's not really got bully much.

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we have total of

1x 7-8cm discus

1x 6cm discus

1x 5cm discus


1x 4cm discus (sick one)

we change 25% water every 2-3 days

I have put more salt in this morning, and just check it half hour before, the white line has gone.. but eye still the same..

it has the same eye problem with our 2 dead neons before, I googled everywhere, no such description on net, but our neon with the same glowing circle in the eye ball, both died with neon tetra disease, I am certain of the neon tetra disease as I search the description everywhere, and tried everything we could.

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Hi Vervo,

You have a beautiful looking aquarium and all credit too you for that,but your tank is not ideally suited to growing out young discus.

Its very difficult to grow out discus in planted aquariums of that size,You would do far better if it was bare bottom and did daily water changes, then you would have a crack at growing healthy discus.How long have you had the discus? Is it a blue diamond?

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  • 3 weeks later...

the holes on the fish lips are gone, so is the eye thing, but still got white thing on the fins, I will treate it with some deworm thing.

we only have those fish for half year or less, we thank you for the concern, but as far we know other fishes are healthy and happy, always swimming around and tease us for food when we are there looking at them.


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