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I'm New ^,,^


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How is everyone today. I am new to this site and also a new Fish Keeper. I have 2 fish tank, One is 150L and the other is 224L.

The 150L is my first and main tank. It consist of 4x Angels Still baby, 10x Neon, 3x Clown Loaches, 10x Baby Electric Blue ram, 1 Whiptail.

The 224L consist of 9x Discus (2x Red Turq, 1 Blue Turq, 2 Pigeon Blood, 1 Red Zebra, 1 Red Rose, 1 Red Dragon, Leopard Albino), 2x Chocolate Zebra Pleco, 4x Peppered cory, 2x Bristlenose.

I love Discus and also love different types of pleco!! :happy1: :happy1: Even though I am still a newbie. :happy2:

This is what my tank used to look like, until my Yoyo loaches Unrouted everything. So have to do major renovation and maybe get a new tank as my main tank has is an old look. I am still new in the whole fish keeping and would love for advice from pros :bow:.




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I am not to sure. I am certainly getting ride of my angel as they have no place in my tank. Don't get me wrong, I love angels. But i prefer Discus > Angel. But I am still trying to figure out my measurement for my new tank. I don't want to rush into thing. At the moment. I am planing on getting the same width as the 150L. :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

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