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neon tetra


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Hi I just notice one of the neons has lost its color not as bright as it was and other one still got that cotton wool thing on the side of it's mouth now I did water change today and now I just put melafix in now .

You guys reckon I should put tonic salt in the tank and every water change add more tonic salt once a week.

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having only 2 tetra wont help them colour up.

Also, they lose pretty much all their colour when its dark. What time were you looking at them? Was it hiding somewhere.

Loss of colour on its own isn't really a problem.

If its behavior has changed as well, then its time to think about what to do.


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Your tetra has Columnaris/cotton mouth disease, treat it with Furan2 which can easily be obtained in most petshops.

Its not a very nice disease, eventually it will affect the gills of the fish, rendering it unable to breath and die as a result...

so treat asap if you want it to get better. feeding smaller bits of food may help it eat better btw

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I treated a single guppy for it in a hospital tank without noticing that the rest of the guppies had it too but they weren't showing signs until the other one was removed. I then had 2 tanks running with meds in them at different dosages. The bad one didn't make it but the others came through with nothing but a few little scars here and there.

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Hi guys I went to hwff this morning and got the bottle of tonic and medicated the tank and hope that will cure the neons .

With the tonic you only put in once and then on the 3rd day do a 25 % water change then add more tonic and on the 7th day do another 25 % water change well lets hop it cures the neons .

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Hi everyone started to loose the neons now and my only two male guppies . just wonder I have 11 glow light tetras which a still going but a bit stressed does anyone live near mt roskill that has a spear tank that can look after my glow lights why I re cycle the tank.

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