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Recommend me some Panda safe SA fish?


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So I'm planning this big tank which I expect will be up and running in January at this rate and the main school of fish will be a large group of panda corries (~30-50). The tank will be planted and will have a bit of rock like a land slide on one side with some drift wood built into it and then a fair amount of swords and other SA based plants through it. The substrate will be sand of some sort over a fert soil of some sort but that's off track.

Here's the question - what other fish should I put in there? I was considering altums but after talking to a few other people have had my fears confirmed and I probably run the risk of losing a lot of pandas to them.

What would you stock your SA tank with if it was based around pandas?

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that many pandas will look amazing. i only have 9 and mine look good

Yeah, I've got 10 juvies in a 30L tank one their own and 5 adults in the community tank at the moment and the difference between a school of 5 and a school of 10 is huge. I can't wait to get a massive school going - I expect it'll be a completely different sight entirely.

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The obvious choice would be Discus.. but that have been done to death off course (myself included)

As far as I know angels would not be a problem with Panda but I don't have experience with that myself..

BTW I was picturing your tank in my mind as you were describing it and I was LIKING IT A LOT!! :D

I hope you go with the Peru Altums and that they don't eat the Pandas

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Would panda cories not be small enough for adult angels to eat?

The juvies would be and they'd have to take a few bites to get the adults.

I figure some P. Scalare that look like altums would do the trick. If others are having no problems with their cories then maybe I can chance it. I'll try to get the angels as juvies which should hopefully let them get to know the pandas before they start asserting themselves.

On another note - I've got about 8-10 eggs on the glass of the community tank this morning! They're too big to be snails and it's in too much of an open area to be the cockatoos so I'm hoping they're pandas. About 3 or 4 are white and don't have anything in them and 2 have been eaten but the rest are a brownish colour with dark bits inside. If they're still there when I get home I'll transfer them into the grow out tank. What's the best way to get them off the glass?

Anyway - thanks all for your advice! keep it coming if you've got any more ideas.

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Why do you have to have another sort of fish in there at all? Fish kept with their own species seem to behave far more naturally in my limited experience. A school that big will break into little schools, I think they would provide plenty of entertainment and would look great.

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Why do you have to have another sort of fish in there at all? Fish kept with their own species seem to behave far more naturally in my limited experience. A school that big will break into little schools, I think they would provide plenty of entertainment and would look great.

Because it's a really tall tank so I'd like something to live in the upper water column. I'll only be having 3 or 4 species max in this tank though - pandas, angels, maybe a bristlenose pair and maybe a large tetra school (20 or so of something that won't get eaten by the angels but will live in the upper part of the tank) but the tetras aren't a priority.

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I have some nice silver angels atm if you are interested?

if you've still got them in a month or so I might just be keen.

|what about some of the other more robust new world fish

I have Chocolates for example in a mixed tank and they seem ok.

Slightly different region I know but just thinking outloud

Yeah, I've been looking at them. Still not sure. I'd like to keep it as close to a biotope for the pandas as possible.

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I had peppered cory and cardinal tetra, they were good together except when I tried to get live food to the corydora the tetra snapped it up too quickly.

To start with I had a bristlenose who was quite pushy with the corydora so I wouldn't have them both together again. I just really like corys though... hehe :oops:

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On another note - I've got about 8-10 eggs on the glass of the community tank this morning! They're too big to be snails and it's in too much of an open area to be the cockatoos so I'm hoping they're pandas. About 3 or 4 are white and don't have anything in them and 2 have been eaten but the rest are a brownish colour with dark bits inside. If they're still there when I get home I'll transfer them into the grow out tank. What's the best way to get them off the glass?

Seems it was the night for it last night - my female apisto cockatoo is flouro yellow and guarding her cave like crazy. I thought she had left the tank this morning but she came out at feeding time tonight just enough to grab a bite then rushed straight back in. When I had a closer look she came out to the glass to check if I was a threat then went back in again.

Could be a good week for breeding in my tank. I hope the pandas last without being eaten - there are 13 fertilised eggs that I can see on the glass and about 5 white ones that have been partially eaten or have fallen off the glass.

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I had peppered cory and cardinal tetra, they were good together except when I tried to get live food to the corydora the tetra snapped it up too quickly.

To start with I had a bristlenose who was quite pushy with the corydora so I wouldn't have them both together again. I just really like corys though... hehe :oops:

haha, yeah, I know what that's like. I have to overfeed my cardinals so there's enough lying on the sand for the cories when they decide to get moving and grab something to eat. The food is always gone about 20 minutes after I stop looking though and the cardinals don't seem to want to eat off the sand at all.

cool, good luck

Thanks, I'm really excited - it's the first time I've had anything spawn. I suspect that once I visited Ryan's setup my fish figured they'd better prove their worth or they'd be out for better breeders :)

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yes but you would have to give the cories up as it would be a salt water tank 8)

That's not going to happen! Interestingly there are 10 cory sterbai in that tank - can't see any at all in the full tank shot. The angels really steal the show in that tank which is not the goal. Maybe a big tetra school and a big panda school will be the way to go. hmmmm. too many ideas.

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Good work on the spawns :) Are the cockatoos those orange ones from the stores, like what Mt Roskill has ATM? lol and there isn't much breeding in my room... Yet.. Hopefully things start soon especially with the dwarfs :)

Yeah, these ones http://www.dwarfcichlid.com/Apistogramma_cacatuoides.php in the double red variety (second pic down on that page). I think I got the last female they had but they had a bunch of males left. My female looks just like the pic at the bottom today. Awesome!

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Awesome I am yet to see a male that colourful from that strain yet the cross back to wild a few generations ago took alot of the colour out of them and plenty of people just started breeding anything (without any care to selecting the best colours) calling them reds when they didn't actually have any red on them. So you female has colour in her tail too? Do you have any pics? I have some that are 4th generation from the cross back to wild now, line bred for the the red unfortunately my best female only had one spawn but I still have her babies so hope to get some good colour and nice red babies if I can grow them out and breed them.

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Awesome I am yet to see a male that colourful from that strain yet the cross back to wild a few generations ago took alot of the colour out of them and plenty of people just started breeding anything (without any care to selecting the best colours) calling them reds when they didn't actually have any red on them. So you female has colour in her tail too? Do you have any pics? I have some that are 4th generation from the cross back to wild now, line bred for the the red unfortunately my best female only had one spawn but I still have her babies so hope to get some good colour and nice red babies if I can grow them out and breed them.

I'll get some pics when she comes out of her cave. She has got the red in her tail like that pic has. The male has a really strong red at the base of his dorsal fin and is even starting to show some near the front too. I'll see if I can get some of him now that the ambient light has died off. Back soon....

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Seems it was the night for it last night - my female apisto cockatoo is flouro yellow and guarding her cave like crazy. I thought she had left the tank this morning but she came out at feeding time tonight just enough to grab a bite then rushed straight back in. When I had a closer look she came out to the glass to check if I was a threat then went back in again.

Could be a good week for breeding in my tank. I hope the pandas last without being eaten - there are 13 fertilised eggs that I can see on the glass and about 5 white ones that have been partially eaten or have fallen off the glass.

ooh exciting!!

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